Although the show was smaller than many I attend I was blessed with the opportunity to spend some time talking to some folks that I don’t get to see often enough or when we do we’re in such big crowds that we don’t have time to talk. Lamar presented plenty of time to talk.
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Bill Moore’s Merc.
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You don’t see this body style often.
Like it? Click on it, buy a copy and put some gas in the Royboy gas tank!
AJ Foyt on the side panel, I don’t know if it’s an actual Foyt car or a replica but it’s kool as hell regardless.
Like it? Click on it, buy a copy and put some gas in the Royboy gas tank!Like it? Click on it, buy a copy and put some gas in the Royboy gas tank!Like it? Click on it, buy a copy and put some gas in the Royboy gas tank!Like it? Click on it, buy a copy and put some gas in the Royboy gas tank!Like it? Click on it, buy a copy and put some gas in the Royboy gas tank!Like it? Click on it, buy a copy and put some gas in the Royboy gas tank!Like it? Click on it, buy a copy and put some gas in the Royboy gas tank!Like it? Click on it, buy a copy and put some gas in the Royboy gas tank!
Bill Moore just before he caught me taking his pic.
Like it? Click on it, buy a copy and put some gas in the Royboy gas tank!Like it? Click on it, buy a copy and put some gas in the Royboy gas tank!Like it? Click on it, buy a copy and put some gas in the Royboy gas tank!Like it? Click on it, buy a copy and put some gas in the Royboy gas tank!Like it? Click on it, buy a copy and put some gas in the Royboy gas tank!Like it? Click on it, buy a copy and put some gas in the Royboy gas tank!Like it? Click on it, buy a copy and put some gas in the Royboy gas tank!Like it? Click on it, buy a copy and put some gas in the Royboy gas tank!Like it? Click on it, buy a copy and put some gas in the Royboy gas tank!