For the 4th time now we’ve had a blast on the Mid Decembrrrr Run! I started this event just to have one more excuse to hang out with the rod/kustom family and get our rides out one more time for the year. We’ve had long road trips, we’ve had lots of shop visits, we’ve enjoyed many hours of sitting in the Paramount Bar eating, drinking and enjoying conversation with the family. This year was a rather short run but with lots of time inside at lunch, a museum visit and at the traditional end of the event, homemade dinner at the Paramount.
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I know that I had a fantastic time with friends and family, and I want to say thanks to all of you that came out and braved the wind chill to hang out with us. I think I counted about 15 cars on the run at the peak, and 25 people for lunch and 28 or so for the dinner. I appreciate all of the miles that so many of you put in just to get my event, with GasserLouie coming from Lincoln, NE, the Stears’ coming from Independence, MO, Stray Kat Kustoms Mickey coming from Bartlesville, OK and all of the folks from places in between. YOU are what makes this event awesome each year. The rod/kustom family is what this whole thing I do here at Royboy Productions is all about. You’ve all had such a tremendous impact on my life I cannot begin to describe it.
Neal always brings along his camera and takes lots of photos, see what he saw Saturday here.
While we were sitting at the Paramount at the end of the run it was decided that we should throw a party there on the Saturday of KKOA weekend. Normally I wouldn’t announce it so early but I’m too excited to keep it a secret. Details to come down the road but plan on being at the KKOA and plan on coming to join us at the party that Saturday night!
Thanks again family!
See you at a show,
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