2014 Greaserama Part 2

Knowing that the Galaxie would probably overheat if I had to sit in a long line to get in, I figured out a shortcut to get passed some of the line of cars waiting to get into the show. I’d tell you but then it wouldn’t be a short cut ;). A piece of trim on the car has a screw that likes to work itself out and no less than 3 times on the drive to the show I had to stop and screw it back in. Some good friends that are somewhat locals to the area gave me instructions on how to find a local parts store that my phone didn’t know about and I was able to pick up some double sided tape to help keep the trim in place for the drive home.

Click here to see the whole post

2014 Greaserama Part 1

Always on my must attend list of shows the 2014 Greaserama did  not disappoint! I don’t have official numbers but wet thumb in the air guessing tells me it was the biggest Greaserama yet. I rolled out at about 8am in the Galaxie for the 180 miles from my house to the Platte County Fairgrounds in Tracy, MO.

Click here to see part 1 of the Greaserama coverage!