Hey Folks!
From time to time we’re lucky enough to have legendary broadcaster and friend of Royboy Productions Jonnie King share one of his interviews with us here. I’m honored that Jonnie shares these posts with us, I hope you enjoy them as much as I do. Jonnie has some of the best kustom related interviews anywhere in the world, go have a listen. There is a link to this audio at the end of the post.
“Once again, a special “Hi” to everyone taking the time to join me here with my friend Travis !
This time I’ve got a great Interview Story from the legendary Darryl Starbird to share with you:
“THE FANTABULA” has always been one of my personal favorites, so at Darryl’s 48th Annual Tulsa Rod & Custom Show, February, 2012, that was one of the cars that I really needed Darryl’s input on.
Darryl never disappoints me ! He always has great stories with fantastic history behind them, and the saga of the Fantabula covers at least 3 states, numerous owners, a wreck, and a broken bubble top !
Here, then, is the man himself, DARRYL STARBIRD, with the story of the FANTABULA ! Simply Click-On Here, listen & enjoy !
And, again, thanks for joining me here at Travis’ fantastic Site…come back often !!
Jonnie “