Friday evening I arrived a bit later than I wanted, but was still in time to get some of the free feed that goes on each year the night before the show. Earlier in the day there were a few destinations that folks could go to as part of a reliability run. In years past we all went to one location but the sheer number of cars and people made it tough for places to handle the crowd. So this year the head Stray Kat, Mickey Bryan decided it would be best to offer people options. I was bummed to miss this part of the event but sometimes you have to do what you have to do.
Anyways, in the afternoon we usually gather up in Dewey for free hot dogs and chips and desserts supplied by some of the Stray Kats. It’s always a great way to get folks together and set the vibe for the weekend. The Stray Kat 500 is about family, cars and a good time. The Friday feed always gets it started in the right way.
I pulled into town around 6pm and got the camper unhooked and set up. After showing a few people the layout, which takes about 32 seconds, I hopped in the car with my buddy Ryno and we met up with some of the Lonely Knights for some all you can eat enchiladas, so yeah, 2nd dinner. But it was a great time to tell stories and laugh. Some of the Knights were staying at the Price Tower in downtown Bartlesville and offered to show us the unique building. Bartlesville is right next to Dewey and where all of the hotels are located. The Price Tower is an incredibly cool building designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, it’s the only skyscraper that was done from his design work. If you ever get the chance you need to check that out.
More to come tomorrow.
48 Cars In 48 States : The Great American Road Trip – A 48 state road trip with a stop in each state to photograph a traditionally styled hot rod, kustom or drag vehicle. Daily updates will be posted here on so you can see where I’ve gone, who I’ve met, some of what I’ve seen. At the end of the trip I’ll produce a 200 page full color book of the entire adventure. Business Sponsorship Packages here available as well as you can pre-order the book here!