Jonnie King interviews John D’Agostino

A special “HI” to everyone here checkin’ out Travis’ cool Website !  Take your time, enjoy the Site, and also, take a few minutes to listen to this special one-on-one Interview I did with my old friend JOHN D’AGOSTINO…you will enjoy this for sure:

JOHN D’AGOSTINO TRAVELS THE WORLD spreading the word of kustoms…with a “K” !  But, I wanted to know how that all began for John, and in this late-night Interview at the 33rd Annual KKOA Lead Sled Spectacular in Salina, he didn’t disappoint me!


PLUS, 2013 was a banner year for John as BOTH his debut cars “Sophia”, his ’40 Cad, and, ’51 Lincoln “Ruby”,  took Major Awards in, what must be, John’s BIGGEST year for wins ever !

LISTEN TO THIS “World Traveler For Kustoms”, JOHN D’AGOSTINO, and find out how it all this traveling started, AND, his reaction to how these spectacular kustoms did on the show circuit in 2013 !!