My 2nd trip to Dubuque, IA for the Retro Rewind went down over the weekend of Jan. 9, 2016. The 3rd annual Retro Rewind was a lot of fun, even if I decided last minute to not bring my ride. The bitter cold may have kept my car (I wimped out after being sick all week) and some spectators away but there were still a ton of great cars, trucks, bikes, vendors, bands and awesome car people at the show.
From time to time when I cannot make it to a show I call on someone who could to bring you a look at the show. So I am in your shoes reading along wishing I was there too. So without further ado, I bring you the Symco Shakedown as seen by Carmen Lee
The 8th and final post of the 2014 KKOA Leadsled Spectacular coverage! Thanks to everyone that’s come to the site to see the coverage! Make sure to go to the top right hand corner of the site and subscribe to the blog!
That’s the look of a man having a good time at the drags. It’s one of my favorite parts of the KKOA Leadsled Spectacular each year to see Gene Winfield get to flag the races.
The drags as always brings a big crowd. Kudos to all involved to resolving the traffic issues from 2013. We were able to roll directly into the event and back out when it was time this year unlike previous years where you were watching your temp gauge and praying the whole way in and out because it was a complete traffic jam.
Continuing coverage of the 2014 KKOA Leadsled Spectacular from Salina, KS. Continuing my comments from yesterday, I would love this show to return to it’s roots, even though that would mean that my 63 Galaxie wouldn’t be allowed in. Comment below what you think of the show, and what background do you come from? Kustom guys seem to be thinking along the lines that I am, where as just car guys in general like the shows that have all types of cars.
The Drags have brought big crowds to the event but the diehard kustom folks don’t attend, and don’t support them. This is where I’m torn, I enjoy going except for when it’s as hot as it was this week, but I really could do without them. They are entertaining, and they bring a big crowd to the event. The drag photos start later in this post and continue tomorrow.
The 2014 KKOA Leadsled Spectacular was in town all weekend just in time for the first major heatwave of the summer here in Salina, KS. The 34th annual event was held in Salina for the 9th time, lots of cars showed up but not a lot of leadsleds or kustoms. Since the show’s registration requirements have opened up the show has grown but it’s lost a bit of clout in the kustom community. Some notable kustom car builders and owners have privately told me that they disagree with the bigger is better show rules and they long for the days when the show had strict rules for entry. I’d like to see the show like that again too. Not that the show is bad like it is now, just different.
Most of Thursday was spent gathering up stuff for our booths, KKOA Leadsled Spectacular Set Up Day. After a quick run to a nearby town to pick up an electric fuel pump to get a buddy back on the road we packed our booths for the day and headed out to Bright Built Hot Rods for their Open House. Here are some photos from that event. Click Here to see all of the photos
Every year on the Wednesday before the KKOA Leadsled Spectacular, KKOA member and 2014 KKOA Hall Of Fame Nominee Rocky Burris throws a little get together at his home shop. This year had the added bonus of honoring the Leadsled Spectacular’s Grand Marshall and Kustom Legend Dave Stuckey. KKOA President Jerry Titus came down from the busy pre-show last minute work in Salina to tell us all some stories of working with Stuckey at Starbird’s Star Kustoms Shop back in the old days. Read the captions on each pic to get more of the story. Thank you Rocky for always inviting us all to the pre-party!
After the shoot we went to grab some dinner with friends. About the time we were finishing up my girl friend’s son got sick, we packed up and headed home so sorry no night shots this year.
The Automobilia Show has been going down for about 20 years now. Nearly everyone in the area has some story about the show. One of my favorites involves a full beer can still in a cooler full of water that was being poured into the radiator of a running engine. I’ll get that story on the podcast some day for you all. Personally I’ve shown up at the show twice at about the same time as a huge thunderstorm and had to cut my time at the event short. So, I much prefer the heat and crowd to the rain. Here’s more from the show.
This year it wat was dry and a little hot which meant that as the sun went down the crowd went up exponentially. I rushed through the show so that I could head out and do a photo shoot a mile or so away.
It never fails, this weekend’s show is always either almost painfully hot or raining. This year it was hot. The crowd seemed down a bit but that could easily be contributed to not only the heat, but a Wichita Wingnuts baseball game and a Motley Crue concert in all going down in the downtown area at the same time.
Since I hadn’t been to RJay’s Speed Shop before I made sure to check the facilities out while we were there. They build a bunch of their own parts that then get sold to other retailers and they carry just about everything that it takes to build your hot rod.
The show was titled Burnouts For Brice, the facebook event page had this to say: “We will be having a benefit car show for Brice Eidson who is a great young boy fighting leukemia. All proceeds will go to help cover hospital cost. So come out and have a great time.”
In total near 100 cars showed up and raised nearly $2000. RJay’s made a small burnout pad of concrete and a few of the show goers pulled up to see what kind of clouds they could produce.
RJay’s Speed Shop has been a sponsor of for a few months, but I’ve been friends with RJay’s main man Cory for a couple of years. When he invited me to a show at his new location I thought it would be a great opportunity to check out his shop and give you some show coverage from a new event.
The day started at 7am with me running out to my Dad’s to borrow his truck and one of his trailers. He purchased an early 50’s Chevy Truck cab from a buddy of mine that lived along my route to the Adrian, MO home of RJay’s Speed Shop. After the Indy trip last week I was a bit short on funds, but since it had been 8 months or so since Dad bought the cab it was about time that we pick it up and drag it home. So with his gas card in my pocket and his F250 loaded with my camera equipment, girlfriend and her son, we were off!
After the stop at Neal’s shop to pick up the truck cab we made our way over to Adrian and found RJay’s. There were almost 100 cars on hand and the show raised almost $2k for the charity. Click here to learn more about the event and the cause.
PS: All photos on this page are available as prints up to poster sizes. Buying them not only makes your walls cooler it puts gas in the tank to get me to another car show or feature shoot. Please consider buying a print, if you can’t do that, I understand. IF you like this post, share it with your car friends using the social media sharing buttons below or just by sending them the link to this page. Every set of eyeballs on the site helps! Or just hit the Store page and buy something or make a donation!
Buy one of these shirts or mugs and help Chrome Pipes & Pinstripes advertise online and pay for hosting fees.
Thank you to the first 2 sponsors of my site, quite frankly the only 2 that I’ve asked to sponsor the site so far. If you’d like to help sponsor Royboy Productions and provide the koolest car show coverage to folks worldwide, click here to ask me about it.
It’s a bit rough, it’s abit rowdy, but it’s not a rat. Someday I will have to do a post to show people what is what, too many confused folks out there.
Thank you to the first 2 sponsors of my site, quite frankly the only 2 that I’ve asked to sponsor the site so far. If you’d like to help sponsor Royboy Productions and provide the koolest car show coverage to folks worldwide, click here to ask me about it.
The 2014 Queen City Riot is in the books. A dreary forecast which actually did come true for a couple of quick spells may have kept some folks away. The turn out was smaller than expected but I like this show and I will return. The plan was to take the Galaxie this year, but it wasn’t ready when I needed it. So the daily driver it was :). A stop at Hot Rod Garage in Sand Springs, OK will be featured on Thursday on the blog and a new car Feature will be on Friday, now on with the pics from the show!
Ben Dragdaddy’s BoothGears & Gals Magazine and RJay’s Speed Shop Booth
Thank you to the first 2 sponsors of my site, quite frankly the only 2 that I’ve asked to sponsor the site so far. If you’d like to help sponsor Royboy Productions and provide the koolest car show coverage to folks worldwide, click here to ask me about it.
As if I didn’t post enough on the Lonestar Roundup last week… But Cory’s pics are just too cool to not share them with you! Cory took a fixed 35mm lens with a super low aperture which gave him the opportunity to get some fantastic photos from the weekend. While I was there to cover the show for you, Cory was there to just take some great photos, and he has done just that! Find Cory on Facebook here or on Instagram here.
Without any further ado, here are Cory’s awesome pics from the event. They are a reminder to me that I need to keep pushing my boundaries and pull my fixed lens back out of the bag every once in awhile! I’m experimenting with a new style of showing off photos here, CLICK ON THE IMAGE TO SEE IT FULL SIZE!If you are seeing this in your email go here to see the full post!
Thank you Cory for sharing your images with all of us! Folks Cory is a very talented guy in not only photography, but sign painting, pinstriping, and just about everything I see him put his mind to and a truly good guy to hang out with. Follow him on social media linked at the top of the article and make sure you tell him how much you appreciate him sharing his work here.
See you at a show,
April Subscriber Giveaway!
If you want to this blog in your email inbox each time the blog goes live, go on up to the top right hand corner of the website and enter your email address. The last day of each month I randomly pick 1 subscriber to win a prize package.
This month’s prize is a DVD copy of “This Is Long Beach” from Atomic Hot Rods,
Thank you to the first 2 sponsors of my site, quite frankly the only 2 that I’ve asked to sponsor the site so far. If you’d like to help sponsor Royboy Productions and provide the koolest car show coverage to folks worldwide, click here to ask me about it.
Monday on “Friction In The Static” Podcast episode #201 I was interviewed by Tiny. I had a blast, you should go to Set To Stun Productions or search for “Friction In The Static” on itunes, stitcher or wherever you listen to podcasts. Thanks again Tiny!
If you want to this blog in your email inbox each time the blog goes live, go on up to the top right hand corner of the website and enter your email address. The last day of each month I randomly pick 1 subscriber to win a prize package. This month’s prize is a pinstriped piece from Pinstriping By Lizzie, a Royboy Knit Winter Hat & a shirt from Hot Rod Hill Climb!
Thank you to the first 2 sponsors of my site, quite frankly the only 2 that I’ve asked to sponsor the site so far. If you’d like to help sponsor Royboy Productions and provide the koolest car show coverage to folks worldwide, click here to ask me about it.
If you want to this blog in your email inbox each time the blog goes live, go on up to the top right hand corner of the website and enter your email address. The last day of each month I randomly pick 1 subscriber to win a prize package. This month’s prize is a pinstriped piece from Pinstriping By Lizzie, aRoyboy Knit Winter Hat & a shirt from Hot Rod Hill Climb!
Thank you to the first 2 sponsors of my site, quite frankly the only 2 that I’ve asked to sponsor the site so far. If you’d like to help sponsor Royboy Productions and provide the koolest car show coverage to folks worldwide, click here to ask me about it.
Continuing coverage from the 2014 KC World of Wheels. No offense to anyone’s cars but the show this year just wasn’t up to the level that the last few years. Not having the Los Punk Rods club do the pre-1961 section is a huge problem. That part of the show was for the most part lackluster. I’m sorry folks there just needed to be more kool rides. What is shown here is the best of what I saw except for a couple images that didn’t come out.
I’m normally not much of a muscle car guy but I’m liking the craftsmanship on this one.
Pete & Jake’s display always has good stuff.
Your truck is coming along man, keep up the good work.
Today on “Friction In The Static” Podcast episode #201 I am interviewed by Tiny. I had a blast, you should go to Set To Stun Productions or search for “Friction In The Static” on itunes, stitcher or wherever you listen to podcasts. Thanks again Tiny!
If you want to this blog in your email inbox each time the blog goes live, go on up to the top right hand corner of the website and enter your email address. The last day of each month I randomly pick 1 subscriber to win a prize package. This month’s prize is a pinstriped piece from Pinstriping By Lizzie, aRoyboy Knit Winter Hat & a shirt from Hot Rod Hill Climb!
Thank you to the first 2 sponsors of my site, quite frankly the only 2 that I’ve asked to sponsor the site so far. If you’d like to help sponsor Royboy Productions and provide the koolest car show coverage to folks worldwide, click here to ask me about it.
As I type this it’s 4AM on Sunday. I woke up just now and realized I’d passed out last night as the photos were uploading to the site but I’d not yet wrote this post. Luckily for you, my subconscious woke me up :).
I’ve been attending this particular indoor show in KC for a few years now. Some years I feel it’s pretty awesome, sometimes I wonder if it was worth the drive, this year leans more towards the latter. I’m sure that can mostly be attributed to the fact that there are just too many major indoor shows on the same weekend only a few hours apart. However as a good sign, this was the most spectators I’ve ever seen at this show, they were everywhere, and I’m sure you’ll notice that in the photos. Since I was in a hurry to get the show covered and get on down the highway to OK where I currently am, I didn’t have time to wait for the best photo opps for each car. Some just have bystanders in the shots, that’s the unfortunate byproduct of bad timing and a great spectator turnout.
If you want to this blog in your email inbox each time the blog goes live, go on up to the top right hand corner of the website and enter your email address. The last day of each month I randomly pick 1 subscriber to win a prize package. This month’s prize is a pinstriped piece from Pinstriping By Lizzie, aRoyboy Knit Winter Hat & a shirt from Hot Rod Hill Climb!
Thank you to the first 2 sponsors of my site, quite frankly the only 2 that I’ve asked to sponsor the site so far. If you’d like to help sponsor Royboy Productions and provide the koolest car show coverage to folks worldwide, click here to ask me about it.
It’s time for a new book! I’ve gone through and picked out my 120 favorite Instagram photos from the Royboy Productions Instagram feed and I’ve put them in this new book called “2013 Squared” The book is available as a hardback, softback or as a pdf version for your tablet or smartphone. Here’s a 15 page preview!