The 2015 KKOA Leadsled Spectacular is in the books. Short version, it was hot, it was fun, let’s do it again.
This is my local show, it’s only about 20 miles from my house to Oakdale Park where the show happens. Somehow the show always goes by too fast. Between the friends and family that show up from around the country and the fact that it’s just a few days, it’s just over too quickly. The photos start with the Open House out at Bright Built Hot Rods west of Salina on Old U.S. 40 Highway, then we head in to the Thursday evening parade on Santa Fe Ave.
This post is brought to you by my friends at Newstalgia Custom Paint in Fort Collins, Colorado. Adam and crew can be contacted here on the official website, here on Facebook or here on Instagram. Newstalgia’s talented staff can make your hot rod, kustom, bike, or whatever it is you want paint and body work done on look amazing.
The 8th and final post of the 2014 KKOA Leadsled Spectacular coverage! Thanks to everyone that’s come to the site to see the coverage! Make sure to go to the top right hand corner of the site and subscribe to the blog!
That’s the look of a man having a good time at the drags. It’s one of my favorite parts of the KKOA Leadsled Spectacular each year to see Gene Winfield get to flag the races.
The drags as always brings a big crowd. Kudos to all involved to resolving the traffic issues from 2013. We were able to roll directly into the event and back out when it was time this year unlike previous years where you were watching your temp gauge and praying the whole way in and out because it was a complete traffic jam.
Continuing coverage of the 2014 KKOA Leadsled Spectacular from Salina, KS. Continuing my comments from yesterday, I would love this show to return to it’s roots, even though that would mean that my 63 Galaxie wouldn’t be allowed in. Comment below what you think of the show, and what background do you come from? Kustom guys seem to be thinking along the lines that I am, where as just car guys in general like the shows that have all types of cars.
The Drags have brought big crowds to the event but the diehard kustom folks don’t attend, and don’t support them. This is where I’m torn, I enjoy going except for when it’s as hot as it was this week, but I really could do without them. They are entertaining, and they bring a big crowd to the event. The drag photos start later in this post and continue tomorrow.
The 2014 KKOA Leadsled Spectacular was in town all weekend just in time for the first major heatwave of the summer here in Salina, KS. The 34th annual event was held in Salina for the 9th time, lots of cars showed up but not a lot of leadsleds or kustoms. Since the show’s registration requirements have opened up the show has grown but it’s lost a bit of clout in the kustom community. Some notable kustom car builders and owners have privately told me that they disagree with the bigger is better show rules and they long for the days when the show had strict rules for entry. I’d like to see the show like that again too. Not that the show is bad like it is now, just different.
Most of Thursday was spent gathering up stuff for our booths, KKOA Leadsled Spectacular Set Up Day. After a quick run to a nearby town to pick up an electric fuel pump to get a buddy back on the road we packed our booths for the day and headed out to Bright Built Hot Rods for their Open House. Here are some photos from that event. Click Here to see all of the photos
Every year on the Wednesday before the KKOA Leadsled Spectacular, KKOA member and 2014 KKOA Hall Of Fame Nominee Rocky Burris throws a little get together at his home shop. This year had the added bonus of honoring the Leadsled Spectacular’s Grand Marshall and Kustom Legend Dave Stuckey. KKOA President Jerry Titus came down from the busy pre-show last minute work in Salina to tell us all some stories of working with Stuckey at Starbird’s Star Kustoms Shop back in the old days. Read the captions on each pic to get more of the story. Thank you Rocky for always inviting us all to the pre-party!
Now I know that the main feature of this site is traditional styled hot rods and kustoms, but my motor based interests vary a bit from that narrow niche. I have a lot of talented friends building a lot of different types of vehicles, Bryce is one of them. A local Salina guy, Bryce has a very low, stretched chassis and sickenly fast Jeep dragster, as well as some other projects like this bike. A few months ago he asked if I’d take some photos of the bike in this under construction phase, I’m a sucker for something new so I jumped at the chance.
From time to time I will feature stuff like this that falls outside of my normal scope just to feature some talented builders, after all the main focus on this site is to show off the fact that you don’t have to live near an ocean to build kool stuff. Now on to the photos.
Bryce is also working on a Harley chopper this winter and I am hoping to shoot it when the bulk of construction is done, then of course 2 more shoots with the bikes once they are finished and painted. I have plans on shooting more bikes in 2014, mostly old school choppers, triumphs, BSA’s etc. that are pretty cool and Kansas built.
See you at a show,
If you like traditional styled hot rods, kustoms and the occasional bike, make sure you go to the top right corner of and subscribe!
Well folks, that’s about it. I will be looking through the photos and doing some more edits from time to time. If you would like any of the photos on the entire site as a print or poster that is easy to do, email me if you have any questions.
Jeff Myers’ Stude Pickup and Voodoo Jim’s Corncob Coupe
Dick Warsocki’s Chevy
Some of Shane Z’s pinstriped wares for sale
Nice rear ends
Kolman’s Buick in motion
The lovely Brenna behind the wheel of my buddy Mike’s FED
Gimlet in the cage of the FED
After being inducted to the KKOA Hall of Fame, Keith Dean is back at work Sunday morning in the rain working on the chop.” alt=”After being inducted to the KKOA Hall of Fame, Keith Dean is back at work Sunday morning in the rain working on the chop.
I need to get the full story on this car, as I remember it, it’s been under construction for years, originally was chopped in CA in the 50’s or 60’s? I’ll find out and report back.
Larry Wolfe’s 1965 Pontiac Catalina, orginally customized by Dave Stuckey in the 60’s and recently returned to Wichita. I hear it will go under a rebuild to put it back in the form that it last left Stuckey’s shop in.
One of Dave Stuckey’s builds from the late 60’s. It’s been on the east coast for decades until Larry Wolfe brought it home recently. I hope to be shooting a feature on this ride soon.
It’s already here… The 2013 KKOA Leadsled Spectacular is finally here. Yes, I may be a bit over excited about it but lets look at why. 1600+ cars, an emphasis on traditional kustoms and hot rods, the drags, legendary builders, on site custom jobs being done by legends, my booth (okay so maybe that’s a 2nd tier item), it’s going to be a fantastic weekend.
The show technically starts today, this post from a couple of days ago will give you a rough schedule and some of the important locations on google maps to help you find your way there. So yesterday a bunch of the vendors showed up and claimed our spots in the park. A few early comers to the show were already there and hanging out, here’s a few photos of their rides.
Sonny’s 59 Chevrolet
This kustom 51 Merc was at a 1961 magazine feature.
As far as I know this was a first time event. Over 100 rides showed up to this free car show held in the South parking lot of Salina’s Central Mall next to JC Pennys. The Big Brothers Big Sisters of Salina put the show on and with the exception of needing a bit more room for the photos to look good, but that’s me being picky :).
Chad Kolman’s stunning 47 Buick at the 2012 Leadsled Spectacular, this ride won the coveted 777 Award last year.
Coming up at this year’s KKOA Leadsled Spectacular, the Royboy Award. Okay so the name might change, but the long and short of it is that I’m giving away an award at the KKOA this year. My idea is to find someone at the show that is younger than I am (38) and has brought a finished or under construction traditional style kustom, hot rod or gasser. No rat rods, no big billet wheels, no digital gauges. I will allow airbags, and other modern items as long as they don’t take away from the general vintage appearance.
I am working to gather up some sponsors to offer a prize pack as well as the award that my friends at the Sign House are helping me create. The goal is to give the winner a prize pack full of offers to save money in finishing their ride or building a new car. A 15% discount for any RJay’s Speed Shop built item (or 10% off items they sell but do not create) is the first prize that’s been offered up. Because you can’t have your ride looking good and yourself looking bad our friends at Devilles Barbershop in Wichita, KS have offered up a prize at well. I’m in contact with a couple of other companies to offer more discounts for paint work, body work, and hopefully a lot more.
If you have a company that would like to do a small part to help grow the industry by helping a younger car owner then send me a message to find out how to become a part of the prize pack!
Now to be honest, I can’t make it as I’ll be in Austin for the Lonestar Roundup, but if you can get to Salina you should be there! I’ve been able to attend twice in 2010 and 2012, check the slideshows below to see some of the show through my eyes.
If you can make it, go! Enjoy the show, take some photos to share with folks that couldn’t and if you have a good time make sure people know you did, that’s how we grow these shows, that’s how we grow this hobby/lifestyle.
2012 KKOA Leadsled Spectacular DVD by Vintage Torque
For the last 3 years John Wells of Vintage Torque DVD‘s has filmed the KKOA Leadsled Spectacular in Salina, KS and created a DVD of the weekend. For the whole run I’ve provided John with photos to use as a slideshow at the end of the DVD.
So as I sit here typing we’re a couple of hours away from the 3rd Annual Mid Decembrrrr Run. Folks from hundreds of miles away are now on their way to Salina, KS to meet up and go on a long drive in our classic cars. It’s been a really good time so far, hopefully this year is too!
This will be it as far as 2012 goes for me and my cameras. It’s been a fantastic year, went new places, met new people and had a great time throughout it all. For 2012 there are 33 galleries with 7,987 photos so far, whew, my shutter finger is tired! To see them all go here:Â
Some of my favorites are
Fuel Altered “Black Mariah” doing a smoky burnout at the 2012 KKOA Leadsled Spectacular, see more from that weekend here.
About a year ago I joined Instagram, it’s been a fun way to give new life to some old photos and spread the word about what it is that I do here. is where you can find those photos if you are not already on Instagram.
Have a great weekend, I’m off with a bunch of my rod/kustom friends for a road trip. Merry Christmas and I’ll see you at a show,