Every year on the Wednesday before the KKOA Leadsled Spectacular, KKOA member and 2014 KKOA Hall Of Fame Nominee Rocky Burris throws a little get together at his home shop. This year had the added bonus of honoring the Leadsled Spectacular’s Grand Marshall and Kustom Legend Dave Stuckey. KKOA President Jerry Titus came down from the busy pre-show last minute work in Salina to tell us all some stories of working with Stuckey at Starbird’s Star Kustoms Shop back in the old days. Read the captions on each pic to get more of the story. Thank you Rocky for always inviting us all to the pre-party!
Lots of great rides show up to Rocky’s pre-party each year before the KKOA.Butch Harness’ 40 Ford, Jody Robinson’s Zephyr and Rocky Burris Jr’s Buick showing that all 3 are falling in the footsteps of their fathers.I really want this truck.Butch Harness’ 40 FordButch Harness’ 40 Ford, Jody Robinson’s Zephyr and Rocky Burris Jr’s Buick showing that all 3 are falling in the footsteps of their fathers.The Minors on their 3rd trip of the Summer from California through the Midwest.Micheal Behrendt’s sweet Olds.Some more of the pre-party crew.This wild kustom may not suite everyone’s flavor but when Dave Stuckey built this 65 Pontiac in 1967. Larry Wolfe has broght the car back from the East coast and is restoring it. The car now sports a new period correct interior. More to come on this car.
Larry James’ Caddy.Jack Marinelli’s 51 Ford.Rocky Sr. has this historic 51 Ford kustom in his shop, he says he’s working on it but we’ll believe him when it drives out of his garage 🙂KKOA President Jerry Titus telling some stories on the legendary Dave Stuckey (sitting). In the audience was most of the living Wichita Kustom history. It was an honor to be in the same room as everyone.Jerry Titus telling us how Stuckey used to trick him into cleaning the Lil Coffin before it became the wild kustom hot rod that became world famous.Rocky Burris Sr. listening to Titus’ tales.Dave Stuckey is officially the Grand Marshall of the Leadsled Spectacular. We all hope that he can make it after a prior medical engagement.Rocky Sr’s CoupeRocky Sr’s Wild Kustom Pickup
Rocky Jr’s BuickSome of the guys hanging out, the bull is getting deep right about now.Larry James’ Caddy.Lots of folks just hanging out enjoying each other’s stories.
Don’t forget the Royboy Merch!!!! I have keychains, coozies, stickers & hats for sale. Every piece you buy gets me further down the road to bring more show coverage and podcasts to you.
See you at a show,
PS: All Royboy photos on this site are available as prints up to poster sizes. Buying them not only makes your walls cooler it puts gas in the tank to get me to another car show or feature shoot. Please consider buying a print, if you can’t do that, I understand. IF you like this post, share it with your car friends using the social media sharing buttons below or just by sending them the link to this page. Every set of eyeballs on the site helps! Or just hit the Store page and buy something or make a donation!
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