Take A Kid To A Car Show

One of the things that I hear over and over again is that the car hobby is an old man’s game. In the past the older folks just had their cars longer so they had more years of refinement in them, and more disposable income than a young family might. Today though we see report after report that young teenagers have very little desire to own a car or sometimes even get a license. In my life we will see a real issue arise where there are no new people coming into the hobby to keep it going.

So this is my challenge to you, take a kid to a car show in 2015! On more than one occasion and 2014 I was able to take a youngster to a car show. What I can tell you is that these kids loved going to the shows!

I think one of the major things that keeps the youngsters today from wanting cars or licenses in the bigger cities, is that they don’t have to drive to go see their friends. Thanks to the Internet they can talk to their friends on the phone or from the computer anytime, anywhere they want. For us if we wanted to hang out with our friends we actually had to go be with our friends and that meant you had to have a car. That’s a major obstacle to overcome in getting new people into our hobby!

So what I challenge you to do is help build someone’s love for the automobile. If there’s a kid in your family who shows any interest in cars take that kid to a car show. Teach them to spot the difference between a flathead and a hemi, a 409 and a big block Chevy, teach the difference between a hot rod, a kustom, a gasser, a dragster or just a customized car from a stock one. It’s when they’re having fun learning something that they develop a greater passion for cars.
Show promoters, make your attendance fees reflect that you WANT more kids to attend. If it cost $50 or more for a young family with young kids to get into your show, YOU are part of the problem. I don’t want to hear about costs and all of that, it’s too much money for a young family to pay to get in and the young families are the ones with the kids that we need to be reaching.
I hope to see you all out there on the road in 2015 and I hope to see that you’re bringing along some youngsters so that some day our precious rides have proper caretakers and aren’t resigned to the crusher or a museum. They need to be driven and as such they will need drivers.

See you at a show,


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