The 2015 KKOA Leadsled Spectacular is in the books. Short version, it was hot, it was fun, let’s do it again.
This is my local show, it’s only about 20 miles from my house to Oakdale Park where the show happens. Somehow the show always goes by too fast. Between the friends and family that show up from around the country and the fact that it’s just a few days, it’s just over too quickly. The photos start with the Open House out at Bright Built Hot Rods west of Salina on Old U.S. 40 Highway, then we head in to the Thursday evening parade on Santa Fe Ave.
This post is brought to you by my friends at Newstalgia Custom Paint in Fort Collins, Colorado. Adam and crew can be contacted here on the official website, here on Facebook or here on Instagram. Newstalgia’s talented staff can make your hot rod, kustom, bike, or whatever it is you want paint and body work done on look amazing.
The 8th and final post of the 2014 KKOA Leadsled Spectacular coverage! Thanks to everyone that’s come to the site to see the coverage! Make sure to go to the top right hand corner of the site and subscribe to the blog!
That’s the look of a man having a good time at the drags. It’s one of my favorite parts of the KKOA Leadsled Spectacular each year to see Gene Winfield get to flag the races.
The drags as always brings a big crowd. Kudos to all involved to resolving the traffic issues from 2013. We were able to roll directly into the event and back out when it was time this year unlike previous years where you were watching your temp gauge and praying the whole way in and out because it was a complete traffic jam.
Continuing coverage of the 2014 KKOA Leadsled Spectacular from Salina, KS. Continuing my comments from yesterday, I would love this show to return to it’s roots, even though that would mean that my 63 Galaxie wouldn’t be allowed in. Comment below what you think of the show, and what background do you come from? Kustom guys seem to be thinking along the lines that I am, where as just car guys in general like the shows that have all types of cars.
The Drags have brought big crowds to the event but the diehard kustom folks don’t attend, and don’t support them. This is where I’m torn, I enjoy going except for when it’s as hot as it was this week, but I really could do without them. They are entertaining, and they bring a big crowd to the event. The drag photos start later in this post and continue tomorrow.
The 2014 KKOA Leadsled Spectacular was in town all weekend just in time for the first major heatwave of the summer here in Salina, KS. The 34th annual event was held in Salina for the 9th time, lots of cars showed up but not a lot of leadsleds or kustoms. Since the show’s registration requirements have opened up the show has grown but it’s lost a bit of clout in the kustom community. Some notable kustom car builders and owners have privately told me that they disagree with the bigger is better show rules and they long for the days when the show had strict rules for entry. I’d like to see the show like that again too. Not that the show is bad like it is now, just different.
Most of Thursday was spent gathering up stuff for our booths, KKOA Leadsled Spectacular Set Up Day. After a quick run to a nearby town to pick up an electric fuel pump to get a buddy back on the road we packed our booths for the day and headed out to Bright Built Hot Rods for their Open House. Here are some photos from that event. Click Here to see all of the photos
Every year on the Wednesday before the KKOA Leadsled Spectacular, KKOA member and 2014 KKOA Hall Of Fame Nominee Rocky Burris throws a little get together at his home shop. This year had the added bonus of honoring the Leadsled Spectacular’s Grand Marshall and Kustom Legend Dave Stuckey. KKOA President Jerry Titus came down from the busy pre-show last minute work in Salina to tell us all some stories of working with Stuckey at Starbird’s Star Kustoms Shop back in the old days. Read the captions on each pic to get more of the story. Thank you Rocky for always inviting us all to the pre-party!
“No matter when you read this, my pal, Travis, and myself are getting ready to head for the 34th Annual KKOA Leadsled in Salina, Kansas for 2014…AND, so is CANDY CLARK !
CANDY CLARK IS A SUPERB ACTRESS who played the role of “Debbie Dunham” in “AMERICAN GRAFFITI” so perfectly that she was nominated for an Academy Award as Best Supporting Actress for her performance !
This is the first story that came out of our long session, and it’s Candy’s personal story about that truly iconic film that has become a “Time Capsule” of the 60’s here in the U.S.A. : AMERICAN GRAFFITI !
In this story you’ll not only hear behind-the-scenes stories, but, also inside info that you probably never knew before, as only Candy Clark can tell it ! Ready to listen ? Okay, just Click-On-Right-Here , and you’re on your way to ’62 !!
PS: See Candy, Bo Hopkins, and, Cindy Williams, at the 34th Annual KKOA Leadsled in Salina this year !
Travis & I’ll see you there too !!
Ride on; Stay safe…
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Get a killer hot rod stencil shirt today, limited stock remains so get yours now while you still can.
If you’d like to help sponsor Royboy Productions and provide the koolest car show coverage to folks worldwide, click here to ask me about it.
Royboy talks with Jerry Titus of the KKOA about the upcoming Leadsled Spectacular and some history of the show as well as some stories of the historic Wichita kustom scene.
“HI ! I’m Jonnie King and I want to take this opportunity to thank my friend, Travis, for inviting me to share some of these great Interviews I’ve put together from these true Legends of the R&C Industry through the years.
Travis is a FANTASTIC photographer, and he and I eMailed each other, starting a few years back, while we were visiting on another R&C Site. Then, when we were at the 2011 KKOA Lead Sled Spectacular in Salina, Kansas, we ran into each other as we were admiring Yaril Quintana’s “Custom For Korea” Clone.
I was explaining to this nice young guy, standing by the car with a camera, that I had loved the Original Version of this “shoebox” since I was a kid…and still had my original Car Craft copy with it as a Cover Car back in 1953…
Finally, when the ‘nice young guy with a camera’ and myself got around to introducing ourselves, I found out he was “Travis From Kansas”…the same guy I’d been exchanging eMail with for over a year !
SO, that’s how this friendship started, and when Travis asked me about sharing my Interviews with all of you on his truly superb Website…well, it was a ‘no brainer’ !
What follows next is my latest story and Interview with the iconic DARRYL STARBIRD:
DARRYL STARBIRD’S NEWEST SUPER-CREATION is a Concept Version of what could have come out of Detroit ! A truly mind-blowing 1957 Cadillac Eldorado Brougham called “THE SHARK” !
In this one-on-one Interview, Darryl told me the story of he created it, how it can be used in 3 different versions, and, a humorous tale about what some early viewers said about it.
This is one story, from the true “King Of The Bubble Tops” that you must hear ! PLUS, you’ll see some rare photos that Darryl let me take during the early build of this fascinating, rare, Eldorado Brougham ! To Listen, Simply CLICK-ON-THIS-LINK:
It’s no secret that I get to a lot of events across the midwest. I certainly have my favorites, this is a partial list of the shows I like, with a link to the show’s official website if possible and some of my show coverage where I can. My philosophy is different than many, I don’t think that a huge car count is always a good thing. My favorite experiences at shows have all been when the car counts were less than 250. I don’t have anything against the bigger shows, I’ve had great times at them as well but the very best experiences were these select smaller ones.
Texas Thaw – 1st Weekend of March – Denton, TX
Texas Thaw – Vintage Drag Racing and car show, all the proceeds go to a great cause. What better way to kick off March but to head to North Texas for some drag racing?
Lonestar Roundup – 1st weekend of April – Austin, TX
Lonestar Roundup – This is one of the bigger shows on the list. 2013 saw a reported 1700 vehicles, I’d say 75% were traditional hot rods and kustoms of many different flavors. Add to that a great garage crawl on Friday morning, and Austin’s fantastic food and music. It’s hard to go wrong with the Lonestar Roundup in your travel plans. Here’s the gallery and here is Part 1 of the coverage on the blog.
Stray Kat 500 – 1st full weekend of May – Dewey, OK
Stray Kat 500 – Full Disclosure, this is the flagship Stray Kat Kustoms event and I am very blessed to be a member of the Stray Kat Kustoms Family.
H.A.M.B. Drags – 3rd weekend of August – MO-KAN Dragway
H.A.M.B Drags – I’ve been attending the H.A.M.B. Drags for a few years, and I’ve never had a bad time. I’ve nearly had heat stroke but never a bad time.
Starliner – Much like the Stray Kat 500 this one is easily amongst my very favorite shows. The people, the brotherhood, the planes, the Garage Krawl, there is just no end to what’s to love about this show.
Iron Invasion – 2nd weekend of Oct. – Woodstock, IL
Iron Invasion – 2012 was the first year of the 2nd show that Vintage Torque puts on. It was a long drive, it was cold and about 750 cars showed up, it was a blast.
PUT THESE SHOWS ON YOUR SCHEDULE! If you’re into traditional hot rods and kustoms these are shows that you need to be attending in the Midwest. There are some more that I hope to be attending in the next couple of years and we’ll add to this list.
These shows are ones that I have attended multiple times and I’ve enjoyed myself every time. There are another 10 or so that could be on this list but this is MY absolute favorite list, these are the ones that I have had the best times at. Your mileage may vary.
Last year I made my first ever trip to Denison, TX for the KKOA Hotrodding Hullabaloo. Like the KKOA Leadsled Spectacular in Salina, KS the event has some Run What Ya Brung Drags on Friday. The show this year looks to be a great time too, I wish I could make it but the new Sept. 27-29 dates for the show conflicts with another event that I will be attending.
Just down the street and around the corner from the show are my buddies at Atlas Speed & Custom, get ahold of them if you get down to the show, they have a lot of kool going on.
It was unusually chilly in North Texas on the Friday of last year’s show, here are some pics from the Drags held at a local airstrip west of Denison.
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Later that evening I went over to a local watering hole to see my buddies in the band Pushrod rock the house. Waaaaay too early the next morning I was up and at em again and headed over to the park for the show. I was greeted with a bunch of familiar faces from my adventures up here in KS and OK, and a bunch of new to me folks too. The show was small, laid back and really perfect for spending time with friends telling tall tails and talking kustoms.
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Then it was out to dinner with some friends and when I got back to the hotel I couldn’t resist some night shots.
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Sunday I went back over to the show to see who was around, quite a few had split town, but there were still some kool rides to be seen.
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All in all, I had a damn good time, well worth the 12 hours it took to drive there and back! If not for the previously mentioned scheduling conflict I would be going back this year for sure. If you can make it to the show, get there, enjoy some kool kustoms and hot rods and of course hanging out with each other!
Well folks, that’s about it. I will be looking through the photos and doing some more edits from time to time. If you would like any of the photos on the entire site as a print or poster that is easy to do, email me if you have any questions.
Jeff Myers’ Stude Pickup and Voodoo Jim’s Corncob Coupe
Dick Warsocki’s Chevy
Some of Shane Z’s pinstriped wares for sale
Nice rear ends
Kolman’s Buick in motion
The lovely Brenna behind the wheel of my buddy Mike’s FED
Gimlet in the cage of the FED
After being inducted to the KKOA Hall of Fame, Keith Dean is back at work Sunday morning in the rain working on the chop.” alt=”After being inducted to the KKOA Hall of Fame, Keith Dean is back at work Sunday morning in the rain working on the chop.
I need to get the full story on this car, as I remember it, it’s been under construction for years, originally was chopped in CA in the 50’s or 60’s? I’ll find out and report back.
PJ’s clean long roof
Love it.
and this one
Joe McGregor’s Caddy
Edsel Ranchero, complete with Edsel dash
Denny’s Sedan
Chad’s Buick (2012 777 Award winner)
Mickey (StrayKatKustoms) Merc
Krobe’s Chevy
Pinstriping Legend Ron Myers pulling lines
Chad Ward doing the same.
Another shot of the Wench
Larry Wolfe’s 1965 Pontiac Catalina, orginally customized by Dave Stuckey in the 60’s and recently returned to Wichita. I hear it will go under a rebuild to put it back in the form that it last left Stuckey’s shop in.
One of Dave Stuckey’s builds from the late 60’s. It’s been on the east coast for decades until Larry Wolfe brought it home recently. I hope to be shooting a feature on this ride soon.
It’s already here… The 2013 KKOA Leadsled Spectacular is finally here. Yes, I may be a bit over excited about it but lets look at why. 1600+ cars, an emphasis on traditional kustoms and hot rods, the drags, legendary builders, on site custom jobs being done by legends, my booth (okay so maybe that’s a 2nd tier item), it’s going to be a fantastic weekend.
The show technically starts today, this post from a couple of days ago will give you a rough schedule and some of the important locations on google maps to help you find your way there. So yesterday a bunch of the vendors showed up and claimed our spots in the park. A few early comers to the show were already there and hanging out, here’s a few photos of their rides.
Sonny’s 59 Chevrolet
This kustom 51 Merc was at a 1961 magazine feature.
So if you’ve been following along with my stuff at all lately you know that this weekend is the 2013 KKOA Leadsled Spectacular in Salina, KS. Since Salina is basically my hometown, I figured I’d give everyone a bit of a list of some notable places in town. Click on the links to go to the location on google maps, if you are viewing this on your phone you should be able to then navigate to the location. First off, registration for the show is now at the Ramada Inn on West Crawford.
Officially the show starts on Thursday, many early comers are at the park and hanging out on Thursday before the official festivities begin. Come out and enjoy the Open House at Bright Built Hot Rods that evening.
After the Open House head back to Oakdale Park to line up to take part in the Cruise on Santa Fe Ave from 7:30p to 8:30pm. If you just want to hang out and watch the cars instead of cruising just find yourself a place along Santa Fe between Walnut St. and Ash St.
Officially that’s it for Thursday.
Again head back to Oakdale Park for the show opening up at 9 am (officially, but many show up well before that, I usually hit the park at 8am). We hang out all day at the show until it’s time to head up to the Run What Ya Brung Drags held right next to Dean Evans Stadium on Markley Road. At 1pm on the stage in the park is the Pinup Contest. The drags officially start at 5, but I will try to leave the park for the drags around 4pm.
The drags are a blast. Last year there were some logistical issues with the layout, I hope that the city’s committee has it figured out this time. Its about an 1/8″ mile course, with flag men (or women) on each end of the track and it’s all about fun. Yes there are some true drag cars that come out, and to be honest I don’t agree with most of them being there but that’s a different discussion for a different day. If you want to make a pass or 12 in your ride, this is your chance to do it. If you just want to watch some fun drag racing action, come out and enjoy yourself.
Friday evening at 9:30pm at the Ramada Inn is the KKOA Tonite Show where the 2 2013 KKOA Hall of Fame Inductees are announced.
Also Friday evening at Calvins Customs on Santa Fe is a party open to all KKOA participants, to get your car into the party you must have the show registration displayed in your windshield and to get into the shop where there is typically free beer (to those 21 and over) and some good eats, you need to be wearing your show wrist band.
Back to Oakdale Park for the biggest day of the show. The car counts and the crowds will be the biggest on Saturday. For those with kids coming along don’t forget that there is a really bitchin’ water park just east of Oakdale Park, this is a big show but sometimes you need something for the kids to do outside of the show, I understand. Also for the ladies, downtown Salina has a bunch of antique and unique shopping opportunities just a couple of blocks from the park.
Again at 1pm the Pinup Contest goes down, come and cheer on your favorite lovely lady.
All day Friday-Sunday an all star crew lead by Bill Hines will be chopping a top live in the park, its something to see for sure.
There is usually another major car mod going on in the park at the same time, the last couple of years it’s been a section job, stop by both spots and watch the cars get the kustom treatment all weekend long.
Saturday night at the historic Stiefel Theatre is the “One Night With Elvis” show. You can buy concert tickets at the registration booth or the T-Shirt booth.
Sunday is usually a fraction of the cars that were at the show on Saturday, but that doesn’t mean it’s not a day to attend. Some of the best of the best kustoms around are all in the park on Sunday of the Leadsled Spectacular. Come hang out with kustom legends, see the awards ceremony and squeeze every last minute you can out of the KKOA weekend in Salina.
Good places to eat and drink in Salina.
Salina has a bunch of great places to eat.
Hickory Hut, routinely voted as one of the best in town.
Hog Wild Pit BBQ, technically a chain but a small one and VERY good for chain bbq.
(20 miles away in my hometown of Gypsum) Big D’s BBQ, this is some really good BBQ in a small town atmosphere that cannot be touched in the larger city. If you don’t mind a bit of a drive they are only open from 5-9pm on Saturday
There are 2 local pizza places fairly near to the show that both have great pie
Scheme (they do not accept plastic, so bring cash or a checkbook) you may want to make reservations, they do get busy.
And one a little farther from the show but still good stuff. Big Cheese Pizza
There’s a small KS chain called Spangles that has a great 50’s pop culture atmosphere and pretty good food for a fast food joint, two of them in town. One on South 9th St. and one on West Crawford.
One of 2 Salina institutions is Bogey’s, one of my personal favorites, if you want a great shake and a burger this is the place to go.
The other Salina institution for burgers in the Cozy Inn. You’ve probably heard about them, at some point in the weekend you need to go buy a sack (6 small sliders) they are pretty darn good, even if they stink so bad 🙂
I have 2 recommendations here, I can’t decide which is my favorite.
Cotijas, fairly new to town, and lots of authentic and some TexMex style, delicious every time I go
Lenore’s, been in town a long time and one of my favorite places to eat in Salina.
There are all of the normal chain restruants in Salina too but come on if you wanted to eat at a chain joint you can go to any city in the country right?
My all time favorite bar is the Paramount Bar just a block from Calvins Customs, the P has been in business since 1946 and it’s my favorite place to kick back and enjoy a drink, tell the girls that Travis sent ya and make sure you tip them well 🙂 enjoy the patio out back with the forecasted cool weather.
Another 2 blocks south is 111 Ultra Lounge, a nice little joint to enjoy some lively libations.
There’s also O’Malley’s in the Ramada Inn where a few of you are staying, decent bar, I don’t care for their food offerings but after a few you can’t tell that its not the best food ever
Out of the way a bit from where the show and hotels are is Speakeasy, nice bar with a patio and some decent food.
On the way to some of the south of town hotels is the Blind Pig, some basic bar food is available as well, and a nice patio.
I’m sure I’ve missed something. Please comment below if I have and I’ll try to find something for you. I’m damn proud at how the show has grown since coming to Salina and I hope to get more and more traditional kustom and hot rod folk to attend every year. Stop by the Royboy Productions booth and say hi, buy something if you want to, book a shoot if you can, above all safe travels and I’ll see you at the show.
JEFF MYERS – Lives and breathes kustoms, and his personal driver is a layin’ low, chopped ’57 Caddy hardtop, layered in purple candy. His “Premier Body & Paint Shop” in Arkansas City, Kansas is growing a kustom reputation to the level of the nationwide “hot” shop’s in the 50’s and 60’s. Sleds are his game, and ol’ skool kustoms like Dennis McPhail’ ’52 Chevy, and ’56 Chevy 2-dr. prove it. We here at KKOA also dig Jeff’s candy red ’63 Ford cement-slider.
Kool! Why he’s deserving! He dedicated, and many remember watching Jeff hammer his kustom touch on TV’ “Monster Garage” with Starbird, Winfield, and Jessie James, a few years back. Like I begun this with, and have to end it waaay to short, due to page space! Jeff Meyers is 100% kustom, 24-7, a fact you can bet on. He’s made his torch mark, and now he’s certainly deserving of the kool reputation he’s built, and does everyday in his land of Oz Kansas shop.
DICK HUCKANS – Dick is better known to his friend’s and follower’s as “The Bearded 1.” Starting at the age of 14, in a small shop in Van Nuys, California, Dick learned from the best how to do body work and paint. After learning the kustom body & paint trade, Dick moved from L.A. to Oklahoma in 1966 to pursue his famed The Bearded 1 Kustoms career, where he is today. His career leaned more toward his outstanding kustom paint theme’s, and his trick paint work could be found on just about anything thing in racing and kustomizing. From Sox & Martin pro stock championship cars to famed funny Car’s, drag boat’s, slingshot dragster’s, and super modified track cars. But, Dick’ love is the true kustom car, especially the leadsled’s. He’s built many for himself and customers over his 75-+ years, with one of his finest being Jack Walker’ unbelievable clone of Lyle Lake’ famed ’52 Buick The Blue Danube. Recently, Dick was inducted into the Darryl Starbird Hall of Fame & Museum.
RAY ERICKSON – Ray built his kustom career during the hey day of hotrodding in the mid-50’s, when the supreme task was to chop, channel, or section a kemp (car or truck). Remember those days? Born and raised in Salina, Kansas in 1928, Ray, along with his family moved to Kansas City in 1940 just as Ray was turning into a rebel with a cause teenager. Hotrodding was, and still is running through his veins, and in 1955 he was a founding member of the Kansas City Timing Association (KCTA). And, in 1956 he was a key player in hosting the NHRA Drag Racing Nationals. Later Ray would change the club name to the Cranktwisters.” Over the years he would build many hotrods and kustoms (’35 Chevy, ’49 Ford, ’34 Ford, etc.). One being a ’52 Ford, full kustom that he called “Whistle Bait” because it was his wife Joan’ daily driver. With a heavy chop and all the right touch’s it was easy to see why. Ray’ hard work paid off when a radical ’48 Merc he built and tagged the “La Hoya” made a full feature story in Car Craft magazine. Still living in K.C., Ray now chats on the Jalopy Journal H.A.M.B. about the good ol’ days, and many feel has paid his dues to the kustom kulture. So do we here at KKOA. Jalopy Journal article on Ray Kustomrama page on Ray