I’ve been attending the Lonestar Roundup since 2011 and I have a better time each succeeding year. This year I drove my Galaxie down for the 2nd time in the 3 years that I’ve taken the car to the show. I was honored when I got an email a week ago that my car was chosen to be in the featured area of the show, so Wednesday evening I headed out for Texas after the day job. By 1:30 am I was rolling into Van Alstyne, TX to stay with my friends Jeff & Verna. They are awesome enough to always have a spare room for me to bunk in, as many of my north Texas friends have offered. By 7:30 we were rolling south to meet up with some other friends on the drive to Austin.
The 2015 Lonestar Roundup coverage is brought to by my friends at Owens Salvage in Wellington, TX. Bob has 65 acres with tons of cars that have the parts you need for your next project. Find them on Facebook here or on their website here.
As if I didn’t post enough on the Lonestar Roundup last week… But Cory’s pics are just too cool to not share them with you! Cory took a fixed 35mm lens with a super low aperture which gave him the opportunity to get some fantastic photos from the weekend. While I was there to cover the show for you, Cory was there to just take some great photos, and he has done just that! Find Cory on Facebook here or on Instagram here.
Without any further ado, here are Cory’s awesome pics from the event. They are a reminder to me that I need to keep pushing my boundaries and pull my fixed lens back out of the bag every once in awhile! I’m experimenting with a new style of showing off photos here, CLICK ON THE IMAGE TO SEE IT FULL SIZE!If you are seeing this in your email go here to see the full post!
Thank you Cory for sharing your images with all of us! Folks Cory is a very talented guy in not only photography, but sign painting, pinstriping, and just about everything I see him put his mind to and a truly good guy to hang out with. Follow him on social media linked at the top of the article and make sure you tell him how much you appreciate him sharing his work here.
See you at a show,
April Subscriber Giveaway!
If you want to this blog in your email inbox each time the blog goes live, go on up to the top right hand corner of the website and enter your email address. The last day of each month I randomly pick 1 subscriber to win a prize package.
This month’s prize is a DVD copy of “This Is Long Beach” from Atomic Hot Rods,
Thank you to the first 2 sponsors of my site, quite frankly the only 2 that I’ve asked to sponsor the site so far. If you’d like to help sponsor Royboy Productions and provide the koolest car show coverage to folks worldwide, click here to ask me about it.
This will be the 4th trip down to Austin, TX for me for the Lonestar Roundup. 2011 was the first year I drove the daily driver down solo and met up with a bunch of friends at the show and had a great time. The next year I picked up my buddy Mongo for a sidekick and again we had a great time. Finally in 2013 I drove my Galaxie down to the Roundup, her first major road trip. It was a whole different experience being in the show rather than just spectating at the show.
The Lonestar Roundup (April 4-5, 2014) is a great weekend with the show and tons of un-official events all over Austin with garage krawls, parties, and live music scheduled to keep everyone entertained outside of the show. My first trip down I went to Congress Ave on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, the increased number of people at the show makes that nearly impossible now. From locals with their Camaros and other rides that they go and power park on Congress leaving no room for the show goers, to the fact that many non-car folks have become hip to how cool South Congress Ave can be makes the Friday and Saturday nights into huge traffic jams. So my advice is that if you are going, stay away from Congress. There are an amazing amount of great food and entertainment options in Austin that are not on that street, there’s no reason to go be part of the problem.
The Roundup is open to 1963 and older traditionally styled kustoms and hot rods. For the most part that’s what’s there. Last year I was really bummed to see a bunch of off topic cars and crap-tastic rat rods that got in. I don’t know for sure but judging by the mile long line of cars to get into the show I’d be the authorities pressured the show to just get people off the streets and into the show and the filtering process broke down. Parked across from me on Saturday was a mid 80’s mini-truck with badly attached 51 Ford sheet metal around the cab. It did not belong in the show, and still chaps my hide to this day along with all of it’s “look at me, look at me, look at me” brethren. It’s far easier to build a car that gets attention because it’s cool than it is to spend all that time and effort to just get attention just by shock value. This was another one of those events where folks with the rattiest rides were acting like they were all badass at the show, yet this “badass” car was so un-drivable that it was trailered to the show and back and I passed them on the highway.
If you have a kool traditionally styled 1963 or older ride, this show could be a great one for you. If you have a purposely ratty piece of junk, there are plenty of other shows out there that cater to you, go to those.
Here are some slide shows from my visits to the Lonestar Roundup.
For info on registering your ride and to see what’s acceptable and what’s not go here.
I am in no way, shape or form associated with the show and the opinions that I express here are my own and nobody else’s. I’d love to see this show have judges at the gate like the Hunnert Car Pileup did to cull the herd a bit.
See you at a show,
February Subscriber Giveaway!
If you want to this blog in your email inbox each time the blog goes live, go on up to the top right hand corner of the website and enter your email address. The last day of each month I randomly pick 1 subscriber to win a prize package. This month’s prize is a pinstriped piece from Pinstriping By Lizzie, a Royboy Knit Winter Hat & a shirt from Hot Rod Hill Climb!
I can’t believe the year is half over already, it seems like just a few weeks ago I was picking my car up from Jeff Myers’ Premier Body & Paint in Arkansas City, KS and headed home with my new old school paint.
Of course on that very trip home the generator finally gave up the ghost. I’d been nursing it for awhile and it was just time to finally do the upgrade, read all about the nightmare that turned into here.
The first event of the year was about 2 weeks after I picked up the car from Jeff, and I was going to be showing the Galaxie for the first time at an indoor show. The legendary Starbird show in Wichita, now the Starbird-Devlin show, but still pretty damn cool for someone that has been going to that show for 30 years. The show was a lot of fun, parking my car with some of the legendary Fundamentals cars was a huge honor. See the show coverage here Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4
The show was just too much fun.
February 2013
February is always a bit busier than January around here. Kansas City hosts the World of Wheels Autorama, Darryl Starbird does his show in Tulsa, and The Chill goes down in Park City, KS.
Going to KC always means seeing my buddies of Los Punk Rods. They are always working on something interesting. KC WOW Show Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
March is always a bit slow in the area here. This year I went down to The Chill in Denton, TX, it was worth the trip and I plan on going again and again. Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Then a couple of weeks later it was time to head back to Texas for the Goodguys Spring Lonestar Nationals Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
April 2013
The first trip of April is typically the Lonestar Roundup in Austin, TX. This was the first time the Galaxie went and it was awesome! Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6 and Art Shots
A couple of weeks later we gathered for the HAMBBQ
The next day I took advantage of a chance to go hang in the pits for the #20 Matt Kenseth car for the NASCAR Sprint Cup race.
Then it was off to Mulvane, KS to Chaotic Customs for their Open House. Chaotic has been responsible for helping me sort out some of the mechanical issues that were out of my mechanic knowledge or out of my time frame. Thanks! Part 1, Part 2
May 2013
The first Friday in May is always Stray Kat 500 time in Dewey, OK. It rained, it sleeted, it may have snowed a touch but it was still perfect. Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6
Then the Galaxie and I headed off to Springfield, MO for the Queen City Riot Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Father’s Day weekend is always the time to take Dad to the Rolling Hills Wildlife Adventure’s Father’s Day Show Part 1, Part 2
Big Brothers Big Sisters held a small 100 car show at the JC Penny’s parking lot in Salina, KS
Winfield Garage Car Show was a lot of fun, hanging out with some great friends at a nice event, we need to make this a 200 car show next year! Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Thanks for going along with me for the ride so far, there’s still a ton of events left to go for this year so get yourself out to one and say hi. If you want some custom photos of your car, give me a yell using the contact link above.
Hopefully you like them, if you do, pick up a print for yourself by clicking on any of them then using the “buy” button on that site to get prints from 4×6 on up to poster sized!
I’m nearing the end of the coverage, after this or maybe the next post will just be some more artsy ones that I do.
Saturday we were treated to some good old fashioned vintage cackling. Here’s the restored Scorpian V from 1964
And an earlier version of the Scorpion
Gambino’s F You 54
Look at all those people…
I’m kinda digging that grille opening
Bleed’s ride
Love those gauges
The party at the Poodle Dog Lounge was a lot of fun.
The 635 mile drive home was long but a good day, the big block averaged 18.8 mpg and I was able to run fairly fast even with this wicked vibration. (hopefully that will be fixed before the Stray Kat 500).
That’s it! Finally made it through the gallery. There are a bunch more photos on the site if you want to click any of these images and go have a look. As always if there’s one you’d like you can buy a print or high resolution digital copy. The money goes to help get me and the cameras to another show to bring you more coverage.
I hope someone out there was encouraged to go build something kool and show it off. You’ll meet a whole awesome group of people and your life will be kooler for it.
—————————————————————————————————– Anyone want to grab lunch while the lines are short? For sale
This dude was driving around all day dragging his rear bumper just begging people for attention. Sad.
Only 16 copies of the Limited Edition Poster left click the photo to the right to get yours today, hand numbered, limited edition and a killer photo to boot. Hell of a deal.
One Kustom that I will give a pass to on the no open hood thing… that intake is off the charts kool.
Remember click on any of these images to see them in the full gallery or to buy a print of them. You can get it for your wall starting at 4″x6″ and on up from there. Support Royboy Productions and help bring more car show coverage to the world.
Remember click on any of these images to see them in the full gallery or to buy a print of them. You can get it for your wall starting at 4″x6″ and on up from there. Support Royboy Productions and help bring more car show coverage to the world.
That’s it for post 1 of the show coverage. Click any of these photos to see the entire gallery. As the week goes on I will go spend some more time editing a few of these and I’ll re-post the results. Enjoy the coverage and buy a print by clicking on any image then hit the Buy button. The Galaxie made it there and back but will need some repairs that you can help me accomplish so I can take more photos at other shows for you! If I can raise $75 in profits this week I can take the daily to the NSRA in OKC this coming weekend.
I really like the turnout at the Lonestar Roundup when it comes to Kustoms & hot rods.
Here’s Alex Gambino’s 54 Chevrolet
My 63 Galaxie 500
Friday evening I headed over to Austin Speed Shop
Jesse James’ hot rod.
Then it was of to Giddy-Ups to catch Pushrod.
Saturday at the show my friend and caravan companion Jerry got the Deadend Magazine award
Later in the evening it was off to the Poodle Dog Lounge for the Strugglers CC. party. My boys Pushrod took the stage at midnight but before that we hung out in the parking lot checking out all of the rides. Big Ken’s truck looks good in any light.
Sunday morning it was time to head home.
I was passed by a few kool rides as I had to stay pretty low on the speedo due to a vibration in the Galaxie’s drivetrain.
Even with an ailing ride, I enjoyed the 635 mile drive.
Thanks for going along for the ride with me, the coverage starts tomorrow morning!
Part 2 of the trip was with a small group and we went from Denison TX to Austin TX. not a lot of photos from the day, but some fun ones.
Texas shaped waffle maker.
We met up at Atlas Speed & Custom Then we were off! One of the cars in our group was Arturo in his shoebox We stopped at the Meatheads BBQ on the way That’s basically it, I have more photos but they are not uploading for some reason. See you at a show! Travis
The trip started off a bit weird. My Galaxie was at Chaotic Customs to get some TLC, so yesterday I needed a ride from home almost 2 hours south to my buddy Jack’s house where I was crashing for the night. Once we arrived and unloaded all of my boxes of shirts, hats, posters, video camera, clothes…where’s my camera bag? It’s still on the couch at home. Damn.
I laughingly explained to Jack that I would get the car and drive home, get my camera & then begin my trip again, fully prepped. Jack told me “phooey!” (not an exact quote) “Take my truck and go get your bag.” As he handed me the keys, I headed out the door, filled his truck up with gas and headed back north. 2:30am I was back at Jack’s and heading to bed.
The next morning we went over to Chaotic and picked up my car.
After some hanging out it was time to head south. After leaving Mulvane I headed to Arkansas City, KS to see Jeff Myers and see a new project in his shop. Then it was off to Oklahoma! The day was a bit long due to snow, sleet and rain all through Oklahoma. Add to that a malfunctioning cell phone and I had a few moments of less than happy thoughts.
After a rainy drive I finally got to Atlas Speed & Custom in Denison, TX. After hanging out a bit it was off to the hotel. More on the trip tomorrow!