Mickey from Stray Kat Kustoms even came up and hung out for the day at the 2014 WFO Guys Show. Rolling with some friends that had a bit of mechanical issues, but everyone eventually made it.
Feature Friday: Built, Not Bought 1926 RPU
The phrase “Built, Not Bought” gets ballied about quite a bit these days. Not all of us feel up to the task of building our rides, yet. So when you see a guy at a show that isn’t advertising that it’s “Built, Not Bought” you find yourself assuming that maybe it was bought or at least paid for and shop built. Not the case with this 1926 Ford RPU.
Continue reading “Feature Friday: Built, Not Bought 1926 RPU”
Shop Visit: Auto Artistry 3-8-14
For a few months I’ve been wanting to get out to Russell, KS to visit Auto Artistry. I first found out about this shop from Doug Reed who’s Toad (49 Oldsmobile Kustom) had been reworked at Auto Artistry. Finally last Saturday I got the chance to make the trip out to Russell.
From the Auto Artistry website: “Our business was started in 1989.We did custom and restoration work and were primarily a collision repair shop known as Auto Body Specialists. In 2003 we decided to go primarily street rod and custom, so the name was changed to reflect that.We do all chassis, custom fabricating, bodywork, and paint all in house.”
Auto Artistry has a range of projects in progress and on display finished.
Visit Auto Artistry on their website here
Or on Facebook here
See you at a show,
March Subscriber Giveaway!
If you want to this blog in your email inbox each time the blog goes live, go on up to the top right hand corner of the website and enter your email address. The last day of each month I randomly pick 1 subscriber to win a prize package. This month’s prize is a kustom art piece from Chaotic Customs (shown below), a Royboy Knit Winter Hat & a shirt from Stray Kat Kustoms!
$1000 Up For Grabs! Click the link for more info!
Thank you to the first 2 sponsors of my site, quite frankly the only 2 that I’ve asked to sponsor the site so far. If you’d like to help sponsor Royboy Productions and provide the koolest car show coverage to folks worldwide, click here to ask me about it.
Royboy Feature Video Episode 3: RynoBuilt’s 1961 Ford Unibody
Finally Episode 3 is ready! Changing up the format a bit for this one, I stripped away the intro and just left the feature. Way back in 2012 I shot this video at RynoBuilt’s shop in SW Missouri. Since then the truck was finished, we shot it for a magazine and it was featured as the February 2014 cover on Classic Trucks Magazine (order a copy here).
If you can’t see the video below click here.
Thanks Ryno for letting me shoot the truck for the magazine and for this video! Everyone go follow Ryno on Facebook to keep up to date on what he’s working on.
See Episode 2 on Jeff Myers’ 63 Galaxie here.
See Episode 1 on Jack’s 29 Roadster on 32 frame here.
See you at a show,
Shop Visit: Chaotic Customs
Between Christmas and New Year’s I was on a road trip and had a little time to stop by and see my friends at Chaotic Customs in Mulvane, KS. They’ve done some work on one of my cars and a couple for my dad and I wanted to drop off some Christmas candy from my family to the Chaotic crew.
Here are some cell phone photos from that visit.
Thanks to my friends at Chaotic for opening up the doors to my dad and I and taking the time to show us all of the projects in the shop. I’m sure the big tray of candy had nothing to do with that :). I have upcoming shop visits planned for 3 new shops in the next few months, stay up to date by subscribing in the top right hand corner of the page.
See you at a show,
Motor Memories
As we grow older a once tight knit group of friends typically spreads out across the country. Only two events seem to bring even portions of the group back together, weddings and funerals. Unfortunately for my group of friends last night was the latter. As is typical with this group it didn’t take long for us to get to telling stories to the group of people that were starring in the stories, each of us laughing and adding in our own bits, finishing each others sentences, near tears in laughter when our hearts don’t quite feel like laughing. Those memories involved all manner of stories but some were car based, which got me to thinking about my earliest motor memories.
The earliest motor memory I have is sitting on my dad’s lap driving our 68 Mustang. At that point in his career with the company that now employs both of us, he was working on a crew that was on the road all week. The crews go out Monday morning and return Friday evening, so weekends were special. While other kids may have taken time with their dads for granted, I remember being acutely aware of the weekends being the Dad time. I must have been about 5 years old as I don’t remember my sister being a part of life at that point in time, since she came along when I was 6, this is my best guess. Grandma and Grandpa lived 1.5 blocks away if I cut through the neighbor’s (my uncle and aunt’s) yard but was 5-6 blocks driving around on the dirt streets. 30 years later our town still only has the one paved street and I still don’t live on it.
I remember we were leaving my Grandparent’s house, not sure if we were driving home or just cruising around town which we sometimes did in the Sea Foam Green 1968 Mustang. I don’t remember what drive train it had, I just remember that it was Sea Foam Green with a black vinyl top. I remember sitting on the passenger seat, this was before the overly protective laws of today, in the days when it was perfectly acceptable for kids to ride in the rear deck of the car, so it wasn’t a big deal to not be in a kid seat or even in the back seat. We were going a whopping 10-15 miles an hour so it wasn’t like we were in much danger anyways. I remember him asking if I wanted to drive, which I desperately did want to. He put me on his lap and showed me where to put my hands on the steering wheel, 10 and 2. I’m sure I had no idea what 10 and 2 was in reference to but I put my hands in the proper steering position with his hovering just above my hands in case a course correction was needed.
I remember the exhilaration of driving that first time. I wasn’t running the pedals, his hands were ready to correct any major mistakes, but in my mind I was Richard Petty. We were barely into the double digits speed wise but in my memory we were rounding turn 3 of Daytona. I still cherish time with my dad, I still long to be Richard Petty, I will forever remember the feeling of steering that Sea Foam Green 68 Mustang around our small town.
That earliest memory comes second only to one other motor memory, also with my dad and my grandpa. Sometime in the early 80’s when I was probably about 8 years old we were in Topeka, KS visiting family. Dad somehow heard of a Honda 185 3-wheeler that was for sale and for whatever reason it was soon loaded in the back of our Chevy Luv pickup and we were headed home to Gypsum. The Luv didn’t have much of a bed and the balloon tired ATV took up all of it, I remember straining to look out the rear window to make sure that it was there all the way home.
Once we got home to Gypsum we went directly to my Grandparent’s house so that Dad could show off the new toy. I think they may have been watching my baby sister as the rest of us were on that trip but for whatever reason we were there when we unloaded the ATV. A couple of times Dad showed me how to start and kill the engine. He showed me the throttle, the brakes, how to put it in gear. It was time to drive this machine!
So there I was, short arms barely able to get my hands stretched far enough to reach both grips at the same time. Dad was sitting behind me and we were parked in Grandpa’s driveway with Grandpa watching on. I pushed on the throttle and the engine revved. Dad told me to put it in gear, I did, I pushed the throttle again, the engine revved, we didn’t move. Again I tried putting it in gear, again I pushed the throttle, harder this time, still no movement. Dad was getting frustrated, I was getting frustrated, I pushed down on the shift lever one more time. This time my short little legs must have had enough umph to actually put the trans into gear because when I nailed that throttle this time the ATV stood up on it’s rear wheels and I road an Evel Knievel type wheelie across the street. I was a badass! Scared beyond belief I let my finger off the throttle and the front tire returned to terra firma and I slammed on the brakes just in time to keep from plowing into the neighbor’s bushes across the street from Grandpa’s driveway. I should have noticed that Dad was not on the bike any more.
Slowly my head turned and my eyes focused 30 feet behind me where I had slammed the throttle down in frustration. There was Dad sitting on the asphalt, where I had unceremoniously dumped him. Next to him on one knee was Grandpa, laughing so hard that he couldn’t breathe. There were a few more adventures that I had on that ATV but that’s the one above all others that sticks out in my mind. My Dad wanted to be mad but he was laughing as I dropped him on his ass, Grandpa had tears in his eyes, his cigar on the ground, his breathing coming back to normal. I was sure that Dad was going to take the ATV back to Topeka and that would be my only time ever driving it.
Such good memories, what are your favorite motor memories?
See you at a show,
Event Coverage: 2013 Ol Marais River Run Part 2
A whole bunch of kool rides this post.
I’m not really sure what all is going on here but it sure looks like a lot of work.
See you at a show,
Event Coverage: 2013 Ol Marais River Run Part 1
Finally a good weekend weather wise for this show, and it was obvious that the rain of the previous couple of years was the culprit keeping the show from exploding. By all accounts of those that I talked to this was the biggest one yet. I was able to stop in for a few hours and make 1 pass around the park before heading off to Fast A.L.’s Upholstery Open House that I featured yesterday.
My friend’s beautiful 39.
Neal’s Canopy Express GMC
Former dirt track racer, turned 60’s show rod. Good to see it driving!
Ugh why do you leave the hood and trunk open? IT RUINS THE LINES OF THE CARS. Shut them down unless you have something truly unique under the hood.
See you at a show,
Event Coverage: SKOOPS Annual Sock Hop and Cruz-In Car Show
Sunday morning I was talking with a friend of mine on facebook and he mentioned that he was about to head out to a show just 40 miles down the road from me. I didn’t feel like sitting home all day so I hopped in the car and headed south to Hesston, KS (about 30 miles north of Wichita). What I found was a nice small town show covering some of the downtown area of Hesston featuring cars of all types from all over the region.
You don’t see a Pantera all that often.
I have another shot or two of this, I’ll save for later though 🙂
Here’s one you don’t see every day.
See you at a show,
Ryno Built Shop Visit
In early November I made the trip down to my buddy Ryno’s shop Ryno Built in SWMO. The plan was to shoot some video of Ryno’s 1961 Ford Unibody pickup for an upcoming feature video. While I was there I found too much cool stuff to not snap a few images.
Ryno’s Caddy was parked outside the shop, it’s just a kool vehicle all around.
He’s had it for years and has driven it all over the place, check your back issues of Car Kulture Deluxe for a feature on it with all of the pertinent details.
Also at Ryno’s shop were a few projects. This Pro-Touring Mustang build started out with a 1965 Shelby GT350 Mustang which had been dinged up pretty well in the Joplin tornado in 2011. Most of the damaged body has been replaced, and a ton of work has been done to prep the car for it’s massive tires and VASTLY improved suspension. Ryno’s worked with TCI to get the suspension customized for the size of rollers that he wanted to run. You can see the finished work is impeccable, and that there are lots of areas roughed in waiting for finalizing. You can find more info on the Mustang build here on pro-touring.com
Also under construction at the shop is a 31 Studebaker President Sedan, info on the build can be found here.
Although it’s moved on to a new owner this is a 63 Caddy that Ryno build a few years ago, here is a thread with more info on that build.
A smart husband makes the wife happy, here’s a 60 Chevrolet Kingswood Wagon that Ryno is building for his wife, more info on the build here.
Needless to say there is a lot going on at Ryno Built.
If you need some top notch fab work done, get ahold of Ryno!