This week Royboy serves up a double dose of interviews. First Ken McClure of the Torques C.C. comes on the show to talk about the Texas Thaw vintage drag races & car show. Then Bret Chrismer comes on to talk about the Southwest Missouri Hot Rod Hundred.
Corey Conyers of Crown Custom is the man responsible for the build of this beautiful dragster. He is too busy fabricating kool stuff to have time to build a website so instead if you click on the photo it will take you to the Shop Visit I did at his place. His contact info is on that page. ANYTHING you need fabbed or metal shaped, this man can do. Click the image above to get his contact info!
Saturday, April 4th marked the 2nd annual Southwest Missouri Hot Rod Hundred. We gathered up in the parking lot of the Springfield Catholic High School Saturday morning. Approximately 100 cars were there to take part in the 100 mile run. Part 1 of the coverage is the starting gathering of the run and the cars leaving the school’s parking lot. The maps of the run in hand we headed out at 9am to drive some great roads. I was able to leapfrog the group a couple of times to get ahead of the group and get some shots of the cars rolling by.
Corey Conyers of Crown Custom is the man responsible for the build of this beautiful dragster. He is too busy fabricating kool stuff to have time to build a website so instead if you click on the photo it will take you to the Shop Visit I did at his place. His contact info is on that page. ANYTHING you need fabbed or metal shaped, this man can do. Click the image above to get his contact info!
Friday night I got to the Hot Rod Holiday show and the show was dead. It was cold and raining and a Friday night, these things do not work well for getting spectators to car shows. What I found was a building with a whole lot of great rides on display. Walking around the Expo Center I run in to my buddy TwoTallOkie who had a booth set up, I was next to Dragdaddy (always a treat), Fritz had 2 bubble tops sitting directly in front of Dragdaddy and I so we had some eye candy to look at all weekend. Hanging out in the building were some of my friends that put on the Queen City Riot and I ran in to some other guys you may have heard of named Darryl Starbird & Tim Strange. Since there was no crowd that evening there was time to talk to all the folks that normally would be too busy to be able to talk for long.
A few months ago I was contacted by the promoter of the Hot Rod Holiday in Springfield, MO. He enticed me to come down and hang out for the weekend in Springfield for the show. I don’t like vending at shows most of the time because I don’t get to hang out and shoot the event because I’m sitting in my booth the whole time, but indoor shows offer me the ability to shoot the cars when nobody’s in the building and then spend the weekend in the booth. Since I have calendars to sell so that I can raise money for a great cause, this sounds like a great idea!
Thank you to the first 2 sponsors of my site, quite frankly the only 2 that I’ve asked to sponsor the site so far. If you’d like to help sponsor Royboy Productions and provide the koolest car show coverage to folks worldwide, click here to ask me about it.
It’s a bit rough, it’s abit rowdy, but it’s not a rat. Someday I will have to do a post to show people what is what, too many confused folks out there.
Thank you to the first 2 sponsors of my site, quite frankly the only 2 that I’ve asked to sponsor the site so far. If you’d like to help sponsor Royboy Productions and provide the koolest car show coverage to folks worldwide, click here to ask me about it.
The 2014 Queen City Riot is in the books. A dreary forecast which actually did come true for a couple of quick spells may have kept some folks away. The turn out was smaller than expected but I like this show and I will return. The plan was to take the Galaxie this year, but it wasn’t ready when I needed it. So the daily driver it was :). A stop at Hot Rod Garage in Sand Springs, OK will be featured on Thursday on the blog and a new car Feature will be on Friday, now on with the pics from the show!
Ben Dragdaddy’s BoothGears & Gals Magazine and RJay’s Speed Shop Booth
Thank you to the first 2 sponsors of my site, quite frankly the only 2 that I’ve asked to sponsor the site so far. If you’d like to help sponsor Royboy Productions and provide the koolest car show coverage to folks worldwide, click here to ask me about it.
On the way home I stopped by Fast A.L.’s Upholstery in Dewey, OK and hung out for a bit. Krobe brought his “ol Blue” over.” alt=”On the way home I stopped by Fast A.L.’s Upholstery in Dewey, OK and hung out for a bit. Krobe brought his “ol Blue” over.
Aaron’s Ford is just about back on the road again.
Aaron’s ride waiting her turn, lots of new mods have been done to the car, just needs a little time to button them all up and smooth some stuff out.
A 37 Ford in Fast A.L.’s Upholstery for a full kustom interior.
Already collecting bugs, only 2 hours into the trip.
Clear weather as I rolled east for Springfield, MO.
Saturday morning I got to the show early so I could have plenty of time to see all of the cars roll in. This sedan was cleaaaaan.
Doug was kind enough to make some room for the Royboy shirts, posters and hats in his booth. Thanks Doug!
Right next door was the RJay’s Speed Shop booth.
I took a break from the show to head into the VFW where the show was held. This ham & cheese omelet came with hash browns & biscuits & gravy for $5. I was full.
So then it was back out to the show.
Bret’s 40 Ford.
More to come of it later
Anyone know what engine this is off of the top of their heads? I can’t put a name to that “face”
Here are some from the Vendors area
That’s it for this first post, more tomorrow or click on any of these photos to see the entire gallery.
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Don’t forget the Royboy Merch!!!! I have keychains, coozies, stickers & hats for sale. Every piece you buy gets me further down the road to bring more show coverage and podcasts to you.
All Royboy photos on this site are available as prints up to poster sizes. Buying them not only makes your walls cooler it puts gas in the tank to get me to another car show or feature shoot. Please consider buying a print, if you can’t do that, I understand. Or just hit the Store page and buy something or make a donation!