If you want to this blog in your email inbox each time the blog goes live, go on up to the top right hand corner of the website and enter your email address. The last day of each month I randomly pick 1 subscriber to win a prize package. This month’s prize is a pinstriped piece from Pinstriping By Lizzie, a Royboy Knit Winter Hat & a shirt from Hot Rod Hill Climb!
Apparently, I can’t read a map very well. You see, Dewey, OK is not really on the way from Joplin, MO to Salina, KS by any logical means, yet I seem to keep finding myself there on that particular journey. Dewey is Stray Kat Kustoms central, and I enjoy spending some time with my Stray Kat brethren there. One of them is Aaron Lawrence, the AL in Fast AL’s Upholstery. Aaron has been really skyrocketing lately as an upholsterer, and it’s been fun to watch a buddy really find his stride and just kick butt. Every time that I get myself down to Dewey I find one or two new rides in Aaron’s shop getting full on kustom interiors. He just finished the beautiful 58 Edsel Wagon that I showed you last week as part of the 2014 Starbird-Devlin show coverage and he already has 2 more under construction.
So I pulled out the iPhone and shot some quick images as we sat around and talked. Aaron is in the middle of an expansion on his shop so that he can move some of the operation to a separate room. The new space will add and office and an indoor space to hang out as well moving some of the dirtier work out of the same space that the cars are in. This should save some cleaning time on the cars and less moving cars in and out as they are being worked on. I’m looking forward to seeing the future for Fast AL’s, every car I see just keeps getting better and better.
Aaron has been fast at work forming the wood frame portions of the new seat.The trunk, top and door panels will all receive the Fast AL’s Upholstery treatment as well.From what I was able to gather it will receive a full interior as well. It’s easy to see why Aaron is expanding the size of the shop. The ability to have a room to do the dirtier work in and not get the cars covered in the debris of building an interior will help Aaron out tremendously.This Chevelle received a new top the day before I arrived.Putting the car up on stands gets it at a reasonable height for working on the interior.Aaron’s Layla has now been pulled into the shop to to start upgrading the interior before Lonestar Roundup. I can’t wait to see how it turns out.
I’m slowly working through some of the photos to do a bit more editing and I thought I’d share those with you here in this extra post. From time to time I’ll be adding in these 3pm posts in addition to the 9am regular posts, so stay tuned! Subscribe using the box on the right side of the page here so you don’t miss any of the coverage.
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The family that hangs out at the cars show together…is kool.
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Mickey’s Merc
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15 shot HDR Panoramic of the show
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One of the stars of the show. Micheal’s newly finished 34 5 Window Ford, done in an East Coast style. The 59 Olds steering wheel is the only part on the car newer than 53.
Larry Wolfe recently brought this late 60’s Dave Stuckey creation back home to Wichita. Plans are to return it to it’s 1967 state. Back in the day Stuckey used this wild sectioned 1965 Pontiac Catalina to tow his Top Fuel Drag car. I reallly wish I could have been around to see that rolling down the road.
For Part 4 we’re still at the show, and we start with Aaron of Fast A.L.’s Upholstery’s Ford and Mickey’s (StrayKatKustoms’) 60 Chevrolet flattop with 60 Merc Grille and Pontiac taillights.
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Joe brought this beauty out for us all to drool over.
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I caught Jack unloading some chairs out of the trunk of his new 51 Ford. Body, Paint and a bunch more stuff by Chaotic Customs.
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One of my favorite new rides of 2013 is Butch’s 40 Sedan.
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It still rocks a straight 6 but Steve’s 58 Ford moves on down the road and looks good doing it.
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All the way from Omaha, NE to Wichita to hang with us. Thanks for coming down!
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The Merc grille looks good with the 51 Ford turn signal housings.
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If you don’t know Gears and Gals Magazine, you need to go to their site and order an issue. You should then buy a subscription.
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Good to see you again my friend, 2 weeks in a row even!
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Mickey’s Merc always looks good at the Starliner.
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Joe’s Caddy is a ton of fun, maybe 2 tons looking at her…
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Don’s Buick is probably one of the finest anywhere.
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Some of my favorite Kansas City area folks.
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Jeff and Verna brought this killer Plymouth hot rod up from Texas. I am planning on shooting this car this fall. If no magazines bite on the article, I’ll post it here for all of you to see.
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One of the koolest places ever to hold a car show, even though this year it was quite hot.
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Another shot of Steve’s chopped 40 Ford. Again, 300,000 miles on it and he’s owned it since 1969.
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Friends and family.
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I’ve seen this truck in Austin and a bunch of other places, I dig it every time.
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Normally not my style but the nose art on the truck matches in with the location.
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The McGregors, an American Car Family.
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Hub and Gloria’s “Cinnamon” is my favorite kustom ever. It’s been together since the late 80’s. It’s been in magazines before but would you like to see a full feature on it here?
Jeff Myers of Premier Body & Paint brought out the 59 El Camino, Johnny Torres brought out his 41 Plymouth, and you can’t see it here, but Jim Allen brought out his “Corn Cobb Coupe”
The 2nd stop on the Garage Krawl for our group was my friend Roger’s house. Due to it being a private property I will not mention his last name or where it is. Roger has a fantastic collection of Fords mostly 40’s of various types and a couple of Falcons and more, but his automobilia collection is equally as impressive.
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Great old signs
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Extra parts
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Some grilles in the background behind this great plane
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Dashes, grilles, and beauty rings
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So the power company puts in an ugly power station behind your house and keeps building it bigger… well you’d better find a cool way to hide it from your view. This works
What to do with your extra plates? Why not make an American Flag? 🙂
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Then it was off to Chaotic Customs in Mulvane, KS for a shop visit and some lunch. Giant hot dogs, soda, chips and some homemade cookies really hit the spot. Here’s Mike Young’s 40 Ford pickup which is being built for SEMA this year.
Then it was off to my buddy Jack’s place for a visit. Here’s a lineup of Jack’s rides. He has a 30 year head start on me but I hope to catch up one day.
Then it was off to Big Joe’s for an air conditioned shop visit (it was a hot one that day!) Here’s a “gas station” that Joe built to hold his compressor and welders and such when not in use.
The 100 or so people in the parking lot stayed out and socialized until around midnight. So many good friends that are all really more like family than friends. This is a big reason why this show is one of my favorites of the year.
As I did last year, I got to the Host Hotel on Thursday evening about 7pm so that I could wake up ready to go on the Garage Krawl on Friday morning. After dinner with some friends I shot some night shots in the parking lot.
A barn find, I sure hope he leaves it exactly like it is.
Jeb and Clint brought these two out to play. I believe that Jeb said his “Nadine” (seen on the left) has about 240,000 miles on her.
StrayKatKustoms (Mickey) and 49Toad (Doug Reed) having a talk while walking down the middle of the street.
Pinup Contest Time! Jennifer James of 232 Studios did a great job getting 12 lovely ladies lined up for the Miss Kitty Title. Click on the images to see them all in my galleries, I’ll only show a couple here due to the 20 image limit per post.
Then it was off to the warmth of the VFW so we could honor Ron Myers with the Inspiration Award. Thanks Ron for your decades (and I mean a crapload of them) of time and effort into striping everything that you can get lines on.
Mickey and Mr. C saying some words about our favorite curmudgeon.
He’s trying to look like he doesn’t want out of the spotlight.
A whole bunch of kool kats shipped this panel back and forth across the country to get a chance to pull some lines in honor of Ron. This piece is kool!
Enough mushy stuff back to the steel!
I just shot this for an article in a magazine, Jerry’s 36 is too kool.
Later on Friday we went to TwoTall Okie’s shop and Rod’s shop in Dewey for the feed. Thanks to all involved for a chance to hang out and for the free food!
Ron Myers hanging with Mike and Jerry at TwoTalls
Doc’s T, Jerry’s 36 and Krobe’s Coupe hanging out in front of the shop.
Dick’s Chevy looked great!
Mike’s Chevy Truck
Kevin’s 64 Galaxie
Here’s an example of some of the editing that I sometimes do. Let me know if you’d like one of these photographs with something extra done to it. Here’s the original
And here’s the edited version
Bill’s 63 Galaxie Convertible
Krobe’s Coupe and Aaron of Fast A.L.’s Upholstery’s Ford.
While the weather wasn’t wonderful, it takes more than that to ruin the Stray Kat 500. The trip started off for my dad and I on Thursday afternoon. My Galaxie was still at Chaotic Customs after getting a long standing vibration issue fixed so the first leg of the trip was riding shotgun in my Dad’s 57 Chevy Wagon on the way to CC in Mulvane, KS.
After the stop at Chaotic we rolled down to Premier Body & Paint in Arkansas City, KS to see what Jeff Myers was up to, then it was off to Dewey, OK the home of the Stray Kat 500! After paralleling the rain for a couple of hours we were headed right into it. Sorry about the blurry shot.
The next morning at the hotel I noticed my Galaxie had a familiar friend hanging out next to her. Doc Parson’s incredible T.
Friday morning we went to the host hotel of the SK500, no I wasn’t staying there due to them messing up my reservations but that’s a whole different story. Here’s my Galaxie with Bill Moore’s convertible and much lower 63… I have some work to do on mine now I guess 🙂
This kustom Lincoln was one of my favorites from the show. Driven from Amarillo to Dewey a trip of over 400 miles with a good portion in the rain, this car was one of many that hit the 500 for the firs time.
I can’t hit a show without running into a member of the Spiwak family, and that’s a good thing.
The Stears are also at nearly every event that I attend, and most of them in this road warrior Ford.
I love this 40.
And my family friend Robert’s brand new to his family 40.
The flames and louvered hood just work on this Ford.
Mickey (straykatkustoms) Merc is always a sight for sore eyes. Love this car.
From the engine to the stance and the insert with matching tonneau, this truck was puuuuuurfect (as Stray Kat Kustoms would say).
The Mundy family brought a couple of killer rides to the show, this one a freshly finished 58 Pontiac wagon.
Can’t have a Stray Kat event without Mongo.
There were lots of kool pickups at the event.
Some old friends showed up while I was out back scoping the parking lot.
Kool oozes from the parking lots of all of the Bartlesville area hotels on Stray Kat 500 weekend.
Dustin had his decklid off to add more louvers (he’s a louver addict), so Mongo thought it would turn Dustin’s Merc into a handy couch. Perfect!
Remember what I said about the parking lots? I rest my case.
That’s it for this first post, next up a couple of shot from the Friday evening hang out/free feed at TwoTall Okie’s shop. Click on any of these photos to see the entire gallery. If you’d like one as a print, just use the “Buy” button there and I will go through the photo and touch it up to look it’s best before it’s printed and shipped to you.
As promised the pre-ordered Limited Edition Poster #2 copies went out today! There will be a handfull more delivered at the Stray Kat 500 in Dewey, OK this weekend as well. The rest… well they can be yours!
Only 50 copies of this 11×17 poster will ever be produced, they are hand numbered and autographed (like that last part means anything 😉 ). There are still a handful of Poster #1 available but they may be gone by the end of the weekend so order before Friday for your best shot at getting one.
So I’ve talked a few times about the Stray Kat 500 coming up next weekend in Dewey, OK. And here’s another time 🙂 Just some photos from last year with a bit of extra editing. Click on any of these to see the entire show gallery.
What do you think, do you like Doc’s T in B&W?
What about color?
What about a bit of both?
Kind of an over used effect but I like it on this one.
Part 5! With the fun of the Friday Garage Krawl in our memories, it was on to the main event of the Starliner show at the Kansas Aviation Museum. Before I go any further I want to say thanks to yblock292 for not only putting together the Garage Krawl but for hosting me for the weekend. I had an absolute blast hanging out and talking hotrods and kustoms with ya!
On to the show!
I was lucky enough to hang out with some of the Mulvane Marauders.
Jack’s 40 is just too cool!
Aaron of Fast AL’s Upholstery taking a shot of his car
Gotcha again Twotallokie!
Zombie Speed Shop, it’s always good to see the truck…oh okay and you too.
I think I need one of these!
The boys from Iron Buffalo Hot Rods brought out their toys… but no bull this time…
I love this ride and I need to do a feature on it for my site, I’d better get on that soon!
Part 6
Hey Jimmy…about your wheels….
sorry, I just can’t help myself…
My buddy Michael brought his awesome 40 Ford Truck out, I got to see it under construction, it’s awesome to see it finished.
Finkd (Jeff Myers) brought out his Stude pickup, I never get tired of seeing this ride.
Hub Harness brought out his beautiful Buick, this is my favorite kustom. Sorry to anyone that might get their feelings hurt but I just love this ride.
Okay, back to the day job! Thanks for checking out the pics folks, remember if any of them look cool to you, you can buy downloads as cheaply as $2 and prints start for just a couple of bucks more. Every purchase helps put gas in the car to get to the next show, or buy more camera equipment to provide you all better coverage so please consider it!