I can’t even tell you folks how many years I’ve planned on hitting the WFO Guys Show in Augusta, KS. Every year I find myself doing something else. That was dumb, this show is pretty damn kool!
In this episode Royboy interviews Ryno of Ryno Built Rod & Customs. Hear about all the cool stuff going on in his shop, the unique job that he does when he’s not building cars and a special offer from Royboy.
Ryno’s Unibody Ford pickup that was featured on the cover of the 2014 Classic Trucks Magazine. See the episode show notes for a feature video on the truck.
There should be 2 photos above this text, please let me know if it is not there! Total of about 30 images in this post! Click here to see the entire post
One of the many great folks that I’ve met along all of these adventures is my buddy Doug. Doug sells shirts at many shows across the midwest, we run into each other quite a bit. He has a show in Winfield, KS called the Winfield Garage Show. For the 2nd year I took my Galaxie to the show, it’s a small show but lots of good people. Hopefully the show can grow a bit in the next few years, Doug does a great job of putting on a show.
On day 48 of a 48 Day road trip, Floyd & Becki Dutton’s 1958 Edsel Roundup Wagon. I shot this mild custom for a magazine article, keep your eyes open to see it in print!
PS: All photos on this page are available as prints up to poster sizes. Buying them not only makes your walls cooler it puts gas in the tank to get me to another car show or feature shoot. Please consider buying a print, if you can’t do that, I understand. IF you like this post, share it with your car friends using the social media sharing buttons below or just by sending them the link to this page. Every set of eyeballs on the site helps!
Thank you to the first 2 sponsors of my site, quite frankly the only 2 that I’ve asked to sponsor the site so far. If you’d like to help sponsor Royboy Productions and provide the koolest car show coverage to folks worldwide, click here to ask me about it.
It’s a bit rough, it’s abit rowdy, but it’s not a rat. Someday I will have to do a post to show people what is what, too many confused folks out there.
Thank you to the first 2 sponsors of my site, quite frankly the only 2 that I’ve asked to sponsor the site so far. If you’d like to help sponsor Royboy Productions and provide the koolest car show coverage to folks worldwide, click here to ask me about it.
The 2014 Queen City Riot is in the books. A dreary forecast which actually did come true for a couple of quick spells may have kept some folks away. The turn out was smaller than expected but I like this show and I will return. The plan was to take the Galaxie this year, but it wasn’t ready when I needed it. So the daily driver it was :). A stop at Hot Rod Garage in Sand Springs, OK will be featured on Thursday on the blog and a new car Feature will be on Friday, now on with the pics from the show!
Ben Dragdaddy’s BoothGears & Gals Magazine and RJay’s Speed Shop Booth
Thank you to the first 2 sponsors of my site, quite frankly the only 2 that I’ve asked to sponsor the site so far. If you’d like to help sponsor Royboy Productions and provide the koolest car show coverage to folks worldwide, click here to ask me about it.
As if I didn’t post enough on the Lonestar Roundup last week… But Cory’s pics are just too cool to not share them with you! Cory took a fixed 35mm lens with a super low aperture which gave him the opportunity to get some fantastic photos from the weekend. While I was there to cover the show for you, Cory was there to just take some great photos, and he has done just that! Find Cory on Facebook here or on Instagram here.
Without any further ado, here are Cory’s awesome pics from the event. They are a reminder to me that I need to keep pushing my boundaries and pull my fixed lens back out of the bag every once in awhile! I’m experimenting with a new style of showing off photos here, CLICK ON THE IMAGE TO SEE IT FULL SIZE!If you are seeing this in your email go here to see the full post!
Thank you Cory for sharing your images with all of us! Folks Cory is a very talented guy in not only photography, but sign painting, pinstriping, and just about everything I see him put his mind to and a truly good guy to hang out with. Follow him on social media linked at the top of the article and make sure you tell him how much you appreciate him sharing his work here.
See you at a show,
April Subscriber Giveaway!
If you want to this blog in your email inbox each time the blog goes live, go on up to the top right hand corner of the website and enter your email address. The last day of each month I randomly pick 1 subscriber to win a prize package.
This month’s prize is a DVD copy of “This Is Long Beach” from Atomic Hot Rods,
Thank you to the first 2 sponsors of my site, quite frankly the only 2 that I’ve asked to sponsor the site so far. If you’d like to help sponsor Royboy Productions and provide the koolest car show coverage to folks worldwide, click here to ask me about it.
The easiest way (which costs you nothing) is to share this post! IF you like this post, share it with your car friends using the social media sharing buttons below or just by sending them the link to this page. Every set of eyeballs on the site helps!
Or if there’s something you need to buy from Amazon, click here to go there. Drag that link to your menu bar for quick and easy access. It costs you nothing extra and Royboy earns a small commission.
Don’t forget the Royboy Merch!!!! I have keychains, coozies, stickers & hats for sale. Every piece you buy gets me further down the road to bring more show coverage and podcasts to you.
All Royboy photos on this site are available as prints up to poster sizes. Buying them not only makes your walls cooler it puts gas in the tank to get me to another car show or feature shoot. Please consider buying a print, if you can’t do that, I understand. Or just hit the Store page and buy something or make a donation!
The easiest way (which costs you nothing) is to share this post! IF you like this post, share it with your car friends using the social media sharing buttons below or just by sending them the link to this page. Every set of eyeballs on the site helps!
Or if there’s something you need to buy from Amazon, click here to go there. Drag that link to your menu bar for quick and easy access. It costs you nothing extra and Royboy earns a small commission.
Don’t forget the Royboy Merch!!!! I have keychains, coozies, stickers & hats for sale. Every piece you buy gets me further down the road to bring more show coverage and podcasts to you.
All Royboy photos on this site are available as prints up to poster sizes. Buying them not only makes your walls cooler it puts gas in the tank to get me to another car show or feature shoot. Please consider buying a print, if you can’t do that, I understand. Or just hit the Store page and buy something or make a donation!
If you want to this blog in your email inbox each time the blog goes live, go on up to the top right hand corner of the website and enter your email address. The last day of each month I randomly pick 1 subscriber to win a prize package. This month’s prize is a pinstriped piece from Pinstriping By Lizzie, a Royboy Knit Winter Hat & a shirt from Hot Rod Hill Climb!
2013 was the first time that I headed down to Denton, TX’s Northstar Dragway for the Texas Thaw. The combination vintage drag races and car show was 6 years old in 2013 and had one of it’s biggest turnouts to date. The 2014 Texas Thaw goes down on March 1, again at the NorthStar Dragway right along I-35 outside of Denton, TX. For all of the info on the show go to the official website here or here on facebook.
I’ve been attending this show off and on for a lot of years. It’s typically hot, starting at 4 in the afternoon, and as soon as the heat breaks the crowds come out in force making it hard to capture any decent images. The participants are a varied group of all styles of cars and bikes.
As far as I know this was a first time event. Over 100 rides showed up to this free car show held in the South parking lot of Salina’s Central Mall next to JC Pennys. The Big Brothers Big Sisters of Salina put the show on and with the exception of needing a bit more room for the photos to look good, but that’s me being picky :).